reference to a human author at all. "The Holy Ghost saith." So that the use made shows that the writer is concerned not with what the Psalmist.said, but what the Holy Ghost said. And this means that the Holy Spirit is the Author of Scripture. II. The Instruments of the Bible. The Holy Spirit used men as the instruments of Divine revelation. At this point we meet a number of passages where the Divine and the human are mentioned; where the distinction is drawn very clearly between the Divine Author and the human instrument. Matt. 1 :22, "Spoken of the Lord by the prophet." Acts 1 :16, "The Holy Ghost spake by the mouth of David." And 2 Peter 1 :21, "Holy men of old spake as they were moved (carried along) by the Holy Ghost." So that we have as the instruments of the Spirit's work, the men who were first the speakers, and then the writers of Divine revelation; III. The Media of the Bible. I do not know any other term that will better express my idea. I mean, first the men, and then their words. The men are not alive now, and if we are to be in touch with their revelation, it must be through their words; and if we are to be sure of the human revelation from God, then for us today we .must be sure of what they wrote, as they are not here to speak for themselves. Now let us notice 2 Tim. 3 :16, "Every writing is God breathed." Let me say that for our present purpose we need not trouble in the least whether we take the Author ized or the Revised Version, because in both cases the reference is to the Old Testament, which is said to be God-breathed. Personally, I think the Revised Version is incorrect, and that the Authorized is correct; and if proof of it is needed, we shall find in the Greek that this particular form of construction, two adjectives connected with "and" without a verb, will be found nine times, and the Revised Version has rendered it eight times just as it is in the Authorized Version. Why the translators should render the ninth differently is only known to them-
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