


s11ggested," but "it is written." And the Lord Himself said in John 10 :35, "The scripture cannot be broken." So we are on perfectly safe ground when we ask attention to the words of Scripture as the media of the men who spake by the Holy Ghost. In that fine book of Principal M'Intyre, The Spirit in the Word, which everybody ought to read, are these words from Prof. Smeaton: "Scripture is the word of God, inspired throughout by the Spirit of God in every part, and in human forms and expression." IV. The Substance of the Bible. \Vhat is the outcome of this Source, these instruments and media? TRUTH. That is the substance of the Bible. First of all, truth in its reality. The greatest authority that we have (I want to utter this phrase with deep rever­ ence), the Lord Jesus, said "Thy word is truth." Truth in its reality is found in this book. Now let me quote from Dr. Denney: "\Vhen a man submits his mind to the Spirit which is in the Bible, it never misleads him about the way of salvation, it brings him invariably to that knowledge of God which is eternal life. The most vital truth about it is covered by the terms inspiration and infallibility, and in virtue of this truth it is indispen­ sable and authoritative to the mind of every age." There is much more to the same effect in Denney's article, but that will show you what I mean by truth in its reality. Secondly: Truth in its uniqueness. You can test the work of the Holy Spirit in regard to the Bible very sim­ ply. Take the writings of 50 to 100 A. D. Then take the writings from 100 to 150 A. D. Compare them, and, as it has been well said, between the New Testament writings of SO to 100 A. D., and the post-apostolic writ­ ings of 100 to 150 A. D., there is a chasm, "sheer, deep, and abysmal." The finest writings of the second century cannot compare with the writings of the first century. When the Christian faith was settling itself in the world, the Holy Ghost was working in a unique manner. He was at work as the Spirit of inspiration. But from 100 to 150 A. D. we do not have inspiration; only illumina-

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