tion. From that time forward, and ever since, there.has been constant illumination, but no new revelation. John Robinson of Leyden said : "The Lord hath yet more light and truth to break forth from His Word." Yes, but it is froni His Word. We have not reached t~e. end of it yet, but there it is, ready for the Holy Spmt to illuminate its pages. Thirdly: Truth in its unity. There is a wonde~ful unity of truth in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Some years ago in the course of construction of a tunnel in London, five shafts were sunk, and ten sets of men worked in opposite directions. Two other sets worked with the ten, and ultimately the twelve sets met, in one place, at a depth of one hundred feet. They were work ing practically in the dark, but they fitted so well together when the tunnel was complete, that every one could see that there was a master mind who had planned the whole thing. And so the various writers of the Old and New Testament were working separately, as it were, in a tun nel, in the dark; and St. Peter tells us they ·did not know exactly the meaning of their words. But by and by they met; and now they are seen to have worked together and dove-tailed into each other, thus showing the pres ence and power of a master mind, which is none other than that of the Holy Spirit of God. And, then, fourthly: Truth in its progressiveness. Now let us be very clear here. The progress of truth from Genesis to Revelation is undoubted. Not every part of Scripture is equally valuable or equally important for us today. If I were called upon to spend my life on a desert island, and I were compelled to select out of several books, I would much prefer the Epistle to the Romans to Ecclesiastes. I do not think for a moment that Ecclesiastes is so important for us today as Romans; b~t _I believe every book has its place .in the content of D1vme revelation, though not all are of equal value or equal importance. Tl~ere_ is su~h a thing as the inspiration of direct com mumcatton. I have received from the Lord." There
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