be very careful in our use of Scripture, lest when we quote we misquote. . . . All this shows us the need of reahzmg the progressive ness of revelation. All things were written for us, but everything was not written to us. "Wh~tso;,ver thin~s were written were written for our learmng. There 1s a wide distinction between primary interpretation and spiritual application, and we must find out to whom the spiritual application, and we must first find out to whom the Scripture was written, before we begin to apply it to ourselves. Scripture is perfect at every part. I believe God's revelation to Abraham was perfect for Abraham, but not necessarily so for Isaiah. I believe God's revela tion to Samuel was perfect for him, but not necessarily so to the prophets afterwards. There was a continual dev~l~pm~nt an~ growth in· revelation, until we get the meridian m Christ, and since that day there has always been a meridian ; there has been no sunset. V. Difficulties of the Bible. I ~an o~ly suggest some general outlines f.Jr further cons1deration. Wl~at ~hall 'Ye say about this? People often say the Bible 1s ~o difficult. Of course it is. But when once ;e ~-1~ d~cided, on the grounds of proper evidence that e. I e is_the W?rd of God, then every difficult 'must ~; Judged m the hght of that antecedent fact. { value d .ffie wlord~ of Treg_elles, the great textual critic. "No 1 cu ty m connection witl 1 d f . · the fact itself." a prove act can invalidate For a very long time astronome I I planets move on definite orbits r~ I lave to d ~s that the and according to precise mathei'u'~~t 11 unchang~ng speeds there was one planet U a ica calculation. Now seem al~ogether to c~mer~:uJ;rw;l~ose movements did not omers did not give up their th . ese laws. Yet astron when Adams in Cambrid e an~ones on_ th~t account, and duced the brilliant math g t' Leverner m France pro 1 the discovery of Neptu~r;at~ca d~ffilculations which led to . ' e I culty was solved, and
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