VIII The Verification of the Bible. From the work of the Bible in our own souls will come this verification of the Bible in our efforts on behalf of others. If you want to verify the Bible, go out and win souls for Christ-do personal work. I believe that a great number of our problems are theoretical. They come from colleges, from studies and places where people sit in their carpet slippers and spin theories absolutely remote from human life. Go down into the slums and tell a man of the Lord Jesus. Christ, and get that man to ask, What must I do to be saved? and you will very soon get verification of the Word of God! And when you have that, you will not need any further testimony to its power. You will find that by proving it, and you will soon see what it does. A sailor had just returned from a whaling voyage, and he was taken by a friend to hear an eloquent preacher. After the sermon, he said, "Jack, wasn't that a fine ser mon?" "Yes, it was shipshape," said Jack; "the mast just high enough, the sails and the rigging all right, but I did not see any harpoons. When a vessel goes on a whaling voyage, the great thing is to get the whales, but they do not come because you have a fine ship; you must go after them and harpoon them. The preacher is the whaler, he is sent to catch them. Think how many sermons like that it would take to convert a sinner and make him cry out, 'What must I do to be saved?' Think of Peter on the day of Pentecost; he referred to the prophecies, to the Incarnation and the Resurrection of Christ, and the outpouring of the Spirit, and then when he had gained the attention of the crowd he drove the lesson home with : 'Jesus whom ye crucified.' That is the harpoon." . . . . The great peril of today 1s the separation of the Spmt from the Word. The two are in reality inseparable. The Spirit of truth will guide into all _tr_uth. The Holy _S~irit is not a frame of mind but a divine power, and 1t 1s a significant fact today, that so few books in . Germany, England, and Scotland deal with the revelation of the
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