


Or take Isaiah. The first thirty-five chapters deal mainly with Assyria. Then come four chapters of his­ tory, followed by twenty-seven chapters dealing mainly with Babylonia. It is noteworthy how the first two chapters of the history (36 and 37) look back over the first period, while the other two chapters of the history (38 and 39) look forward over the second period. This summary can be further divided into smaller sections, and the whole Book thereby be mastered. Look at Matthew's Gospel. The key is to be found in two passages, each containing the phrase "From that time" (4 :17; 16 :21). Everything before the former is introductory; then between the two we have our Lord's preaching without a single reference to His death; but from the time of the latter of these texts, He began to tell His disciples what would happen. Thus, we may think of Matthew's Gospel as giving to us the preparation (1:1-4:16); the proclamation (4:17-16:20); and the passion (16:21-28:20). John's Gospel is also capable of thorough study by itself. There are two main divisions connected by the phrase "His own."' The former covers chapters 1-12, dealing with "His own"' who did not receive Him (1 :11). The latter covers chapters 13-21, dealing chiefly with "His own" who did receive Him (13 :1). The Book of Acts is also capable of thorough mastery by itself.· There are two chief sections. The for"°!er with Jerusalem as the center (1-12) and the latter with Antioch (13-28). But it is interesting to notice that each of these is marked by sub-divisions, indicative of periods in the history of the Church wh~n th~ writer wa~ able to summarize results up to a ·certain pomt. Thus, m chap­ ters 1-12 we have summaries at 6:7; 9:31 and 12 :24. In chapters 13-28 there are summaries at 16 :5; l? :20 and 28 :31. Then, too, it can be seen that the_entire B?ok is built up on the ideas sugge?ted bf the geograpl~1c~l extension of the Church mentioned m 1 :8. Nor 1s it possible to avoid noticing that the first sec~ion o~ Ac~s includes five parts dealing with Peter, endmg with his

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