imprisonment, while the second section has also five parts dealing with Paul and ending with his imprison ment. The Epistle to the Ephesians is also helpfully studied along the lines of its two divisions, chapters 1-3 being concerned with doctrine, and chapters 4-6 with duty. Then Galatians is similarly capable of careful consid eration along three lines, each taking two chapters: chap ters 1 and 2, personal; chapters 3 and 4, doctrinal; chap ters 5 and 6, practical. A Fruitful Method These are only the barest hints of what can be done by this method of book study, and it should be said again that this is the most obvious and, in many respects, the most fruitful way of beoming acquainted with the con tents and meaning of the Bible. Instead of the study of books, or rather side by side with it, it is possible to give special attention to sections of books, and, thereby, to become thoroughly acquainted with particular portions. Thus, we could study the great section of Isaiah, chapters 40-66, by noticing its three divisions of nine chapters each, for it will be found that at the close of chapters 48, 57 and 66 the same thought is recorded, though the second and the third times in an intensified form. It is thought by some that even these nine chapters can be further sub-divided into three times three. It is also worth observing that the former portion of Isaiah, chapters 1-35, are simply and naturally divis ible into three parts: chapters 1-12; chapters 13-27; chapters 28-35. As an instance of the study of sections in the New Tes tament, reference may be made to the Epistle to the Romans and attention concentrated on the three pivots found at the beginnings of chapters 5, 8 and 12 by means of the word "therefore," dealing respectively with the "therefore" of Justification, the "therefore" of Sanctifi cation, and the "therefore" of Consecration. Yet again, it is possible to pay special attention to the
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