will yield a remarkable fulness of teaching when thor oughly considered. Thus in Acts 26 :18 we see the whole Christian life starting with forgiveness and extending through sanctification to the glory that is to follow. (c) Biographies are often most profitable, not merely those which are recorded at great length, but also those of which very little is said. In the latter cases careful arrangement and comparison of passages will often yield illumination. For example, it is not always noticed that the various texts connected with Mary, the mother of our Lord, show five connected stages in her spiritual growth. The Apostle Barnabas can also be studied along five lines. The characters of men like Nicodemus with a very scanty record can, nevertheless, be clearly seen in relation to Christ when the passages are put together. (d) The study of Bible phrase is also most fruitful, as illustrating this microscopic method. As one instance, the title "God of Peace" is often found in various connec tions and shows something of the fulness of the Divine character. In the fourth Gospel the words "In My Name" or "In His Name" will be found full of meaning. These are only bare illustrations of a wealth of teaching. (e) Then the words of Scripture are fraught with remarkable power. No one could study the various pass ages where "grace" or "love" occur without obtaining remarkable insight into the truth of God. Then, too, a careful consideration of "justification" will reveal the sevenfold aspect of Scripture on this subject. Those who happen to know their Greek Testament will find word-studies of immense value, e.g., the word "boast" occurs in seven different connections and shows the pro found distinction between the boasting which is wrong and impossible and the boasting which is right and justi fiable. One thing more should be said in connection with these methods of study, namely, that we shall find it worth while to use our pen in making notes, for this will at once clear our thought and help us to record the results of our work. Let it be said again that nothing less than
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