practice what the mind has learned, in order that there may be practical results. And, meanwhile, the memory must keep in mind what is being taught, so that the Bible may be the standard of living day by day. Thus, we may sum up the requirements once more as including Consideration, Meditation and Application. (c) But it is perhaps necessary and important to look still more closely at this subject of personal Bible study and meditation along Scriptural lines. ( 1) We must search the Scriptures (John 5:39). The truth of the Bible is not always or necessarily found on the surface, and we·must, therefore, get below and "search" to the utmost of our power. (2) Then will come meditation (Palm 1 :2). The Scripture, having been searched, will necessarily be applied to our own life, and meditation has been well defined as "attention with intention," empha sizing the reality and practical power of the thought we derive from the Bible. (3) Then will follow the need of comparison (1 Cor. 2 :13). Scripture will be com pared with Scripture and we shall be enabled to see from time to time the variety, balance, fulness and com pleteness of the spiritual teaching. (d) Descending still further into practical details of this essential method of Bible study, the following points call for special attention. ( 1) It must be daily, whether in the morning or in the evening, or at night. The Bible must be to the soul what food is to the body. "I have esteemed Thy words more than my necessary food." (2) It must be diligent. There must be no mere dream ing, musing over Scripture, but a thorough consideration and search in order to obtain "light and leading." (3) It must be direct. No second-hand messages will do, and however much we may value and rightly value the teach ing of others, we must first and foremost have our mess ages direct from God Himself and continually ask what Scripture says to us apart from others. (4) It must be definite. The purpose of this method of study is severely practical and is intended to affect and transform our life. Whether, therefore, we are faced with a counsel or a
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