


We are not concerned for the moment whether the reve­ lation came in this way or in that way. All that is essen­ tial is that this-whatever it is and however it has come­ is a revelation of God in Christ. It is at least significant to note that all the great religions have their sacred books. It would seem as though the litera scripta ( writ­ ten words) were a foundation, a necessary condition of all Divine revelation. We take it that the New Testa­ ment is the clearest, fullest, and most reliable embodi­ ment of the Divine revelation in Christ. V. Revelation is assztrcd.-This brings us to the heart of our present subject: Why do we believe the New Testament to be a Divine revelation? I do not refer to the Old Testament in detail, because if we can prove the New Testament, I think this carries the Old Testament with it. At any rate, we are on the ground that is most convenient for us, if we concentrate on the New Testament, and look upon that as the embodiment of a Divine revelation. There are just three steps in this argument. First, the New Testament is genuine; that is, it is the word of those for whom it is claimed-the associates of Jesus Christ. This genuineness of the New Testament may be proved in a variety of ways, and if this were merely an address on Christian evidence it would be necessary to elaborate. But I want to state as briefly as possible for the sake of those who are concerned with these subjects in their parishes and in their homes and colleges, some of the general reasons why we believe the New Testa­ ment to be genuine. (a) There is the testimony of the Church through the centuries. For this we can still refer to that familiar book, Paley's Evidc11ccs of Christianity. Although the second and third parts of Paley may be ignored, the first part is practically as valuable today as it ever was. If we take Paley's eleven points, written in that clear, pel­ lucid English of which he was a master, we shall see what I mean by the testimony of the church through the cen­ turies to the genuineness of these books.

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