
4C — May 20 - June 16, 2022 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


O wners , D evelopers & M anagers

By Michael Mullin, IBSRE, Inc. Protect remote workers from cyberthreats


you’ll learn about the cyberse- curity actions that will allow you to reduce the risk signifi - cantly. So, let’s jump into it. Cybercriminals can use brute force attacks to guess login credentials by cycling through millions of combina- tions. They use computing power to achieve this effec- tively. Once they have the credentials that work, they try to use them on your business’s online portal to infiltrate the network. It’s one of the most common types of data breach that can cost you tens of thou- sands of dollars. One of the tools that remote

ore and more busi- nesses are allowing their employees to

teams almost always use is VPN (Virtual Private Net - work). According to Statista, VPN usage increased by 124 percent in March 2020. The best way to stop this attack is to use a paid VPN service with strong security protocols like multi-factor authentication. It prevents the off chance that a cybercriminal can gain any insight into the credentials you typically use for services online by snooping into your online traffic. Alongside a VPN, utilize a reputable pass- word manager so you’re not recycling login details. This ensures your employees never

use the same password on dif- ferent online platforms. Phishing is yet another very common type of cybersecurity threat. In phishing, the hack- er tries to trick your employ- ees by making them click on the malicious downloading or attachment links. Attackers even use well-made websites (on even sensitive topics such as Covid-19) which appear le - git and trustworthy. Once the user clicks on the download link or even signs into such websites, either the hackers get the personal credentials or malware gets installed in his/her computer. Some of

these attacks compel the user to buy something useless for a pretty penny. But most of these attacks are to get the data by getting your remote workers hacked. The best way to keep your employees safe from such attacks is to educate them about phishing. According to IBM, human error is the main cause of 95% of cyber security breaches. End User Aware- ness training is a necessity for your team – especially when dealing with sensitive data. IBSRE partners with Breach Secure Now to offer end user training, an educational mod- ule to protect your company, clients, staff, and data. We run these programs as a service on an as-needed basis so please reach out to us if you are in- terested in training for your team. You should also inform your remote workers to avoid all the unknown messages and emails containing attach- ments, downloadable files, or even links to websites to get ridiculous promotions. Malware (Malicious Soft - ware) is specially developed software for cyber breaching. You might already have heard of its different types, such as trojans, worms, viruses, etc. Malware can affect your busi- ness’ data in many ways, like a virus that starts spreading across your computer and corrupting all the files in its way. That’s how the whole functionality of your comput- er or even business’ network becomes unusable. The best way to prevent malware is to set up a smart anti-virus/anti-malware se- curity system across your network. Installing is not the final process because you need to keep it updated constantly. Moreover, you also need to make sure suspicious web- sites are not reachable while someone is logged in to your company’s network. Ransomware is considered the most dangerous cyberat- tack with almost negligible possibility to be recovered. It also works somewhat like malware as it first needs to be installed in your system. Once the hacker has achieved that, it silently spreads across your system and encrypts all the files in its way. The most interesting and disturbing thing is the encryption can only be decrypted with a key. continued on page 12C

work from home or in a hybrid e n v i r o n - ment. With the increas- ing number of remote workers, the number of cy-

bersecurity threats as well as cyberattacks is also increas- ing. For that matter, vigilance is necessary to keep the data of your organization and your employees safe. In this blog, Michael Mullin


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