King's Business - 1933-11


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1933

New K. Y. B. C. Members The following have read through the Gospel according to John and have received their K. Y. B. C. pins: Aberdeen, So. Dak.: Janet Crawford; Clara and Marie Gross; R. E. and Richard Olson; Dorothy Riley; and Virginia Williams. Central Point, Ore . : Keith Gregory; Chester Grimes; Kenneth Hensley; Ivan Myers; Robert Sage; Dwight Wilson; Thomas Wright; and Richard Wyatt. Conway Springs, Kan.: Dorothy Varen- horst. Corning, A rk .: Georgia Campbell; Billy Felsburg; Anna Louise and Fay Ilettel; and Wendel Phipps. Delft, Minn.: Helen Franz; Mary Krause; Lester Miller; John Quiring; and Helen Teichrow. Des Moines, la .: Richard Giffith; and Newman and Robert Martin. Dodge, No. Dak.: Amy and Kermit Lieblein. Eureka, Kan . : Marie Cheever; Betty Lou Frazier; and Mabel and Melba Lee. Garden Grove, Calif . : Grace and Hazel Bowers. Glendale, Calif , : Marion Butterfield; Noreen Harris; Lois Jean Hedger; and Kathryn Wolmerstell. Kingsburg, Calif.: Barton Ahlstrom; and Orval Vaughn. Lincoln, Neb . : Karin Elizabeth Anker. Los Angeles, Calif.: Ralph Wilson. Maryland, N. Y .: Gerald Boyce. Morley, la .: Lulu Embree; Mary Eunice Gilmore; Muriel Hunter; Merle Pulver; Lurine Russell; Eloise Seeger; Thais Ward; and Edward Yater. North Collin, ■ N. Y .: Annabelle Bart­ lett; and Irene Willett. Oakland, K y.: Jessie Dunn; Elizabeth Gaines; Margaret Long; Carolina Belle Middleton; and Beulah, Corean, and Elsie- Pennington. Port Byron, III.: Dale Ziegler. Santa Ana, Calif.: Betty Sutherland. Sayre, P a .: Carolyn Smith; and Ger­ trude Wheatley.

On this Bright Christmas Day Just listen, dear children, The Saviour we know Was once, a dear Baby— ’Twas long, long ago. His bed was a manger, Overhead was a star; The wise men and shepherds All came from afar. Yes, Jesus came down From His bright home above, To tell little children O f His Father’s great love. God gave us His Son— He came here to stay; We’ll give Him our hearts On this bright Christmas Day. -—C. L. WOODBRIDGE.

of your heart, boys and girls. Only the Lord Jesus Himself, the Light of the world, can light the candle o f your heart. It costs you nothing to have the candle of your heart lighted, but it cost Him much. He died on the cross and shed His precious blood in order that we might have light. The price He paid was His life, and now He longs to give light and life to those who will receive them. Has the candle of your heart been lighted? If not, why do you not now- at this Christmas time, let the Lord Jesus come into your heart and be your Saviour? You will then be able to say, “The Lord is my light and my sal­ vation” (Psa. 27:1). When the tall white candle is burning, do you know how the many tiny colored candles may be lighted? “ Bring them to the tall white candle,” you say. Yes, the tall white candle is able to give light to all the- others. The Lord Jesus, the True Light o f the world said, “Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6: 37). Come to Him for light at this Christ­ mas season. Open your heart’s door and let Him come in; He will bring light and everlasting life. He will wash all your sins away and write your name in “the Lamb’s book o f life.” With the candle o f your heart lighted, you are ready to shine for the Lord Jesus. “ Ye are the light o f the world’t|( Matt. S:14), He said, and, “ Let your light so shine before men’||(Matt. 5:16). Not only are we to shine at Christmas time, but every day o f the year, whether at work or at play, we are to remember al­ ways that we are His lights, and that He would have us always giving forth a light for Him. Then when our “shining days” are over, He will take us into the beautiful city where He is preparing a home for us. There we are to be with Him forever. “And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light o f the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light» and they shall reign for ever and ever” (Rev. 22:5). With this glorious prospect in view, let us keep on shining, boys and girls. The Christmas candles are making the dark places bright. Shall we not do the same?

Message of the Christmas Candles Christmas time is candle time. Green ones, red ones, pink ones give forth their golden light. We see some in the stores —such large, tall ones—and as we pass along the streets,: others bid us a friendly greeting from a Christmas window. Tall red candles replace the paler ones oh the mantel at Christmas time. And the Christmas tree—what would a Christmas tree do, without a candle here and there among its lovely branches! As the candles send forth their rays of light, making festive even the dullest and darkest places, what message do they bring to you and me at thjgj blessed Christmas time? O f course, to hear the candles’ mes­ sage one must really listen with one’s heart. Eyes do not always see all, nor ears hear all, but hearts do. They understand candle language perfectly. The tall white candle, so pure and clear, tells us of One who said, “I am the light of the w orld: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). And that One was the Lord Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem’s manger so. long ago. He, the True Light, came into this world of dark­ ness and sin to show men and women and boys and girls the way to God and to heaven. I am sorry to tell you that some; did not recognize Him as the True Light, when He was on earth. “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness com­ prehended it not” (John 1 :5). But all of those who did believe on Him as the True Light were lighted in their hearts, and all the darkness o f sin left. Darkness and light will not remain to­ gether. When light comes-, -in^darkness leaves. I low we enjoy light! You would rather be in a lighted room than in- a dark one, wouldn’t you? Light brings joy and comfort to our homes; so the Lord JeSus, the True Light, brings light, to every heart that will receive Him. The many small colored candles—Some red,■: some green, some blue—tell us of the boys and girls of the whole world— '-some with white faces, some with brown, and some with yellow faces—the children of Japan, China, and Africa. Before these pretty colored candles are lighted, they seem to picture the boys and girls of every land who are still in the darkness of sin, and do not know the Lord Jesus. You know God’s Word says in Proverbs 20:27: “ The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord,” and in Psalm 18:28: “Thou wilt light my candle.” Neither good deeds nor kindly acts will ever light the candle

How to Join the K .Y .B . Club T O become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John. You may read this from your own Bible or from a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been satisfactorily read, and a statement sent to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday- school teacher, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be sent. When Sunday-school classes or clubs order a quantity of Gospels or pins exceeding the number of ten, we have thought they might like to contribute something to­ ward the supply of the same, as the Lord directs. The cost of the Gospels, including the cost of postage and mailing, is about five cents; of the pins, without post­ age, two cents. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Ad­ dress: Junior Dept, o f THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.

A Know Your Bible Club We are glad to have a glimpse o f some of our Know Your Bible Club members. These girls in the accompanying picture are members of a club organized by Mrs. H. C. Middleton of Oakland, Ky. Their names, reading from left /to* right, are Margaret Long, Elsie Pennington, Eliza­ beth Gaines, Corean Pennington, Jessie Dunn, Eleanor Middleton, Beulah Penning­ ton, Carolyn Middleton. From the cards these girls are display­ ing in their picture, we-are glad to know that they have not only read the Gospel of John, but have received the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. It is our prayer and deep desire that every member of the K.Y.B. Club may do as these girls have done. Mrs. Middleton, the leader of this club, is doing splendid work among girls. We rejoice with her and the many other K.Y.B.C. leaders who are touching boys’ and girls’ lives for the Lord Jesus.

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