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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN JEANNE CHARLEBOIS WANTS BACK ON HAWKESBURY COUNCIL stated Charlebois, “and as a candidate for mayor, Robert Lefebvre has mentioned, our town must move on towards a positive and progressive future. Respect, cooperation, and working as a member of a team are needed more than ever for our town, our residents and our investors. Mr. Lefebvre’s integrity and his abilities as a communicator at the municipal, counties, provincial and federal levels have confirmed my support for his candidacy as mayor of the Town of Hawkesbury.”

“I have been present in our community as a member of the board of directors and recently as president of the Hawkesbury Central Food Bank, as a member of the board of directors of the Prescott-Russell Community Services, as a volunteer of the Hawkesbury General Hospital and member of the Hawkesbury Rotary Club. I will continue to respect the mandates I have with these non-profit organizations and the projects that I am committed to.” During previous interviews Charlebois has expressed “surprise at the strength of support” for her to reenter local municipal politics. She has been considering for seve- ral months whether or not to run for council and whether she would see the mayor’s seat again. Charlebois stated that she will unveil her campaign platform at a later date.

She sat in the mayor’s chair for two terms but now Jeanne Charlebois wants to return to Hawkesbury council as one of its six councillors. Charlebois sent out a brief email notice to all local media Monday, May 16, stating that she had filed her nomination papers to run for one of the councillor seats in the October municipal election. She sent out a second email explaining why she plans to run for a councillor this time and will support Councillor Robert Lefebvre’s bid for the mayor’s seat rather than try to become mayor again herself. “I believe as a municipal councillor, I will be bringing experience and knowledge of municipal government to the council table,”

Charlebois has served two terms as Hawkesbury’s mayor. The first time was from 2006 to 2010. The second was term was from 2014 to 2018. Hawkesbury’s current mayor Paula Assaly stopped Charlebois’ mayoral reelection bid in October 2028. “For the last four years, as a resident of the Town of Hawkesbury,” stated Charlebois,

Les élections municipales de 2022 auront lieu en octobre et Jeanne Charlebois a confirmé qu’elle sera candidate. Mme Charlebois a été mairesse de Hawkesbury pendant deux mandats, mais cette fois-ci, elle cherchera à obtenir un des sièges de conseillère. —photo d’archives



Amanda Simard for the Liberal Party. The Ontario Party’s platform revolves around abolishing all remaining COVID-19 restrictions, introducing legislation to prevent the Ontario government from imposing simi- lar restrictions in the future “by establishing clear and onerously high criteria”, and remove public health restrictions surrounding vaccination status. It would also penalize employers requiring medical information or a medical procedure, such as vaccinations, as a condition of employment, and require all employees fired due to their vaccination status to be reinstated to their previous positions. If elected the party would also help people sue for permanent injuries caused by the vaccine. The Ontario Party also wants to allow non-profits and corporations to build, own, and manage hospitals, and allow citizens to hold privatized medical insurance alongside provincial insurance. It would protect pa- rents’ right to be told before any procedure, treatment, or medication is administered to their child, and ensure no child could obtain a procedure, treatment, or medication without parental consent. It would also “prevent the use of non-reversible treatments or procedures for children and youth under 18 experiencing gender dysphoria/gender confusion.”

Stéphane Aubry is the Ontario Party’s candidate in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. The Ontario Party has confirmed that its candidate for the GPR will be Stéphane Aubry, who was unavailable for comment at press time. He is now one of six candidates confirmed for the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell SJEJOHBMPOHTJEF7JDUPS#SBTTBSEGPSUIF/FX

Stéphane Aubry a été nommé candidat du Parti de l’Ontario dans Glengarry- Prescott-Russell

Sarrazin for the PC Party, and incumber MPP



Le candidat progressiste-conser- vateur local sera absent du débat jeudi à Embrun pour les électeurs francophones de la circonscription de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. Stéphane Sarrazin, qui représente le parti progressiste-conservateur pour la circons- cription de GPR aux élections provinciales du 2 juin, ne participera pas au débat en français 19 mai organisé par Radio Canada et TFO. Lors d’une interview téléphonique le 16 mai, Sarrazin a déclaré que son calendrier de campagne était déjà formé avant qu’il ne reçoive l’invitation pour le débat. «Ce jour-là, nous visiterons quelques villes de la circonscription avec la ministre Caroline Mulroney», a déclaré M. Sarrazin. Il a fait remarquer que Mme Mulroney, qui est la ministre responsable des affaires francophones, devait également participer le 17 mai à un débat provincial télévisé sur les questions francophones avec Amanda Simard, qui est la candidate libérale de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, ainsi qu’avec MFDBOEJEBUEV/1%(VZ#PVSHVPJOFU$BSB Des Granges du Parti vert. Lors des dernières élections provinciales, Mme Simard était alors la candidate progres- siste-conservatrice et était connue pour avoir été absente de plusieurs débats locaux. Maintenant, en tant que candidate libérale, elle a confirmé sa présence au débat de jeudi pour la circonscription de GPR, avec MFTDBOEJEBUTEFTQBSUJT7FSU /PVWFBV#MFV FU/1%

L’actualité où que vous soyez... format qui vous convient!


L'Association communautaire pour le développement industriel stratégique de Hawkesbury (ACDISH) recevra une aide administrative de la municipalité. L'un des employés administratifs de la ville travaillera sur appel et la ACDISH paiera un taux horaire pour le travail et remboursera à la ville 25 % pour les avantages sociaux et 15 % pour les frais administratifs. La ville supprimera également les frais administratifs de 3000 $ qu'elle facture à la ACDISH. – Gregg Chamberlain FILLER www. editionap .ca Lisez le journal numérique EAP tous les jeudis Read the EAP digital newspaper every Thursday


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