Il est temps de se préparer et d’emprunter les sentiers pour le deuxième rallye annuel de motoneige pour l’autisme, le 11 février. On s’attend à ce que près de 200 motoneigistes participent à l’événement de cette année pour profiter d’une journée d’exploration de Prescott-Russell tout en aidant à sensibiliser le public et à soutenir les programmes qui profitent aux personnes et aux familles aux prises avec l’autisme. —photo fournie
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
deal with autism spectrum disorder. 5IF4OPXNPCJMF3JEFGPS"VUJTNIJUTUIF trails February 11, starting from the parking lot area of the Place 1967 restaurant and motel in Plantagenet. .PTUTOPXNPCJMFSBMMJFTBSFQPLFSSVOT with participants collecting envelopes with cards inside along their trail routes and then presenting their card hands at the end of the day to see if they won a prize. 8IBUNBLFT"4%6OJUFETFWFOUEJGGFSFOU from those snowmobile rallies is that it is a scavenger hunt, with riders following a route map filled with clues about items or places to find as they spend the day exploring 1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM «So there is no specific route to follow,» said Taylor, «because it is a scavenger hunt with people hunting for clues. We’ve received a lot of positive feeback on our event.»
5IF4OPXNPCJMF3JEFGPS"VUJTNIBT CFDPNFUIFXJOUFSFWFOUGPS"4%6OJUFE to balance its summer Flotilla for Autism, which is also a scavenger hunt. Participants in either event have fun creating a photo record of their adventures on the trails or on the water, creating photo album scenics and selfie shots at some of the points of interest they find during their scavenger hunt search. .PTUPGUIFQBSUJDJQBOUTJOUIF"4%6OJUFE events are local, but both the flotilla and the snowmobile ride are attracting interest in Ottawa and Toronto, across the Ottawa 3JWFSJO2VÊCFD BOEEPXOJOUIF6OJUFE States with people making the trip up to
1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMUPUBLFQBSU All of the proceeds raised from the event goes towards support programs and special actvities and excursions for the benefit of individuals with autism and their families who live within the region. 3FHJTUSBUJPOGPSUIFFWFOUDBOCFEPOF at www.ridesforautism.ca, by advance email to ridesforautism@gmail.com, or between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. the morning of the event on February 11 at the Place 1967 site in 1MBOUBHFOFU3JEFSTTUBSUIFBEJOHPVUPO the trails at 10 a.m., after they receive their trail maps with all of the clues they need for taking part in the scavenger hunt.
Paul Taylor Senior spent his Sunday evening grooming some of the local snowmobile trails to help keep them in perfect condition for next month’s Second Annual Snowmobile Ride for Autism. “I already have under a hundred registra- tions,” he said, during a phone interview. I expect we’ll have close to 200 riders.” Paul Taylor Sr. Is one of the founders PGUIF"4%6OJUFE4OPXNPCJMF3JEFGPS Autism, which is one of several recreational events that the non-profit group organizes BOEQSPNPUFTJOUIF1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMSFHJPO to help raise funds and awareness about autism and the need for support programs for individuals and families in the region who
MERCI AUX CLIENTS DU BAR OLYMPIA Merci aux clients du Bar Olympia Bowl pour la généreuse donation de 300 $ à la Banque alimentaire de Hawkesbury.
Sur la photo : La présidente de la Banque alimentaire Jeanne Charlebois, Nicole Trottier, barmaid et le propriétaire Ray Chein.
Time to get ready and hit the trails for the Second Annual Snowmobile for Autism rally February 11. Close to 200 riders are expected to take part in this year’s event to enjoy a day of exploring Prescott-Russell while helping to promote public awareness and support for programs that benefit people and families dealing with autism. —supplied phot
1431 Lansdowne St .Hawkesbury 613-632-7176
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