PIXABAY Pixabay.com is an international database of photographs, illustrations, vector graphics and videos that are in the public domain. The content is uploaded to the site by photographers and graphic designers for the online community to use. All content on Pixabay features a special Pixabay licence and is hence free to use for any purpose at no cost and without crediting the source. Users who wish to upload their own content to Pixabay need to create a user account with a username of their choosing. However, there is no verification of the creators of the content. By uploading their content, users cede all rights of use; from then on, it can be freely copied, edited and shared by other Pixabay users. Some content may also be freely used for commercial purposes without asking for permission, although some content may be restricted to an editorial environment. To ensure the content is of high quality and suitable, any uploaded content is manually verified by administra - tors or Pixabay community members before being released on the site.
Our recommendations » DeepL: #nuancedlanguage » Automatic subtitling and translation of YouTube videos
DEEPL The translation tool DeepL is an online machine translation service offered by DeepL GmbH in Cologne, Germany. DeepL is impressive particularly because rather than generating a literal translation, it is able to produce a comparatively nuanced text. A note on accuracy: DeepL offers very good results especially for English. How - ever, as always when using machine-generated translation, users should be aware that the target text may not be one hundred per cent accurate. The product should always be carefully proofread and, depending on how it is to be used, a disclaimer added to point out that it was produced by machine translation. It is free to use for texts up to 5,000 characters.
YouTube automatically recognises the language of the videos and produces a text version of the spoken content that users can opt to be displayed as subtitles, although it should be said that these can contain mistakes. Users can also have the subtitles translated via Google’s automatic translation service Google Translate which, again, can produce odd results. That said, the function can be helpful for participants who want to watch a video in a certain language in order to learn some- thing. The function can also be used when participants may want to show the group something that only exists in a certain language.
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