Indiana Gazette 2020 Business Indiana Tab

2 — Business Indiana, Friday, January 31, 2020

A vision for success in 2020

What’s inside

Special to the Gazette As 2020 has been ushered in, it’s exciting to begin not just a new year but to start a new decade. As this mile- stone year approached, I found myself thinking back to being a high school stu- dent in the early 1980s and how 2020 seemed to be so far and distant in the future that it was hard to even imagine it. Some of the predictions that were made back then now seem a bit ridiculous. I am disappointed, as I am sure are many other readers, not to see flying cars, com- mercial space shuttle flights or even a moon colony in our present day. I wish that I had taken the time back then to write a list of predic- tions and kept them to re- view today. It would have been entertaining at the very least. This leads me to the sug-

gestion of encour- aging you to take the time now to create a longer- term vision for your business. A 10-year vision is a longer timeframe than most strategic plans and is likely to be impacted by changes in the ex- ternal environ- ment. Nonetheless,

retirements and succession planning for future transi- tions. It is also worthwhile to re- search larger eco- nomic, demograph- ic and technological trends that might affect your business. • Reflect on your review in a special place of your choos- ing. Successful busi-

and feel what does not yet exist.” • Record your reflections in writing to ensure that your thoughts are not lost when you step out of reflec- tion mode and back into the daily pace of your work. Put- ting your reflections and predictions in writing can also help to inspire further thinking and to gain clarity. Your method of recording can be as simple as a hand- written journal, or use a dig- ital medium for ease in re- vising and sharing. Choose the method that feels right for you. • Revise your 10-year vi- sion on a periodic basis as it is shaped by new develop- ments. Many business strategies are emerging in response to newmarkets, customers and unexpected events. Your 10-year vision should be constantly evolv- ing, taking advantage of promising opportunities. A 10-year plan is a founda- tion for other business-plan- ning efforts. After complet- ing your 10-year plan, iden- tify key milestones of what you aspire to achieve in five years and then determine what you need to start in the next year to achieve that goal. This will propel you into action and starting to work toward your 10-year vi- sion. The success of many of our local business and eco- nomic efforts has been be- cause of a long-term and growth-oriented mindset among our community leaders. You can use that same visioning strategy to achieve your business suc- cess. The Indiana County Chamber of Commerce in- vites you to share your long- term business plan with us and looks forward to dis- cussing how we can be a partner to make your vision a reality. Wishing you a bright and prosperous future, JimKinneer, Ph.D. chairman, Indiana County Chamber of Commerce board of directors

LOOKING UP While Indiana County’s airport has developed into a key economic development asset, officials say it still has potential for growth. Page 4


it is a worthwhile exercise. Because most businesses don’t plan that far, it can give your business a competitive advantage. To create your long-term vision I propose that you follow these steps: • Review your current business performance and forecasts. Determine the overall trends that are occurring. Your review should include thinking about your work- force plan and talent needs. Anticipate required skill sets,

ness leaders make time to spend thinking. It is impor- tant to tune out from tech- nology, find a quiet place and to let your mind relax. Think about what is and is not working in the present and to visualize the future. Take the time to picture in your mind what the future looks like. According to author and speaker John Graham, “You’ve got to give yourself the freedom to dream— to use your imagination to see

KEEPING THE ECONOMY ROLLING Ever wonder where the train is going to or coming from as you’re waiting for it to cross? It could be a number of places — even as far away as Canada. Page 6 REDEFINING WORKFORCE NEEDS Though jobs are available in many sectors, businesses report difficulty finding and retaining qualified workers. Page 11 DRILLING DOWN As production from Marcellus shale gas wells falls off, conventional wells are sustaining the industry locally. Page 14

It’s A Wonderful Life in Indiana County, PA

CHANGES ON THE WAY The owners of

some vape shops locally have mixed predictions on a pending law that will ban some flavored e-liquids. Page 15

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