Methadone Treatment Centers

The first step... Chemical dependency affects not only dependent persons but also those persons who surround them. Family members become emotionally stressed, display similar symptoms and become progressively immobilized. For every abuser, four to six family members, friends or fellow employees become affected. Coming to grips with the fact that narcotic use has become a problem is the first step in the recovery process. Admitting the problem is not a declaration of personal weakness or worthlessness. Instead, it is a sign of strength and the reaffirmation of life. Addiction is a treatable disease that requires abstinence from drug abuse and working a program of recovery. Our hope is that our program will be the gateway to a satisfying and rewarding illicit drug-free lifestyle for you and your family.

History Our first clinic, Fairfax Methadone Treatment Center (FMTC), opened in September 1992 and was the first private outpatient methadone program in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the first such outpatient program, public or private, in Fairfax County. WMTC opened three years later, followed by RMTC in Raleigh, NC. The Richmond center opened in 1999 followed by the Virginia Beach center in late 2000. Our program specializes in treatment of opioid addiction by assisting individuals who are physically dependent on substances such as heroin, morphine, Dilaudid, Percodan, Oxycotin and other narcotics. We offer both detoxification and maintenance programs. The program’s medical director will decide, in consultation with the patient, which program best suits the patient’s needs. The state, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, and the Drug Enforcement Administration license all components. In Virginia, the state’s Board of Pharmacy also licenses the clinics. Each clinic has a Medical Director, who is a specialist in addiction medicine, and is staffed by qualified professionals. All of our clinics have been CARF inspected and have received accreditation.

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