DC Visit 24


Surface Transportation Funding The Chamber ultimately supports adequate funding for annual reauthorization of the federal surface transportation program, with continuation of a responsible formula allocation to the states. The Chamber will work with the Oklahoma Congressional delegation and ODOT to secure a permanent funding solution for the Federal Highway Trust Fund (including mass transit programs). The Chamber supports adequate funding levels to properly maintain the national transportation system. Federal Capital Improvement Grants The Chamber supports continued funding for the following federal grant programs including, but not limited to: BIP, MEGA, SMALL STARTS, NEW STARTS, INFRA, RAISE, bus and bus facilities grants. Mike Monroney Center (FAA)/Associated Federal Agencies The Chamber supports the continued viability of the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center as a strategically important national asset for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and further supports the continuation of its other essential federal government activities in the state. Clean Air Nonattainment The Chamber will work with the Oklahoma congressional delegation, ODOT, ACOG, the City of Oklahoma City, the private sector and additional partners to take necessary proactive steps to ensure the Greater Oklahoma City region is not designated as being in nonattainment of federal air quality standards.

National Air Quality Standards Ground-level ozone concentrations in the OKC area have been high


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