DC Visit 24

and the region runs a significant risk of violating federal air quality standards (National Ambient Air Quality Standards – NAAQS). Therefore, the Chamber supports maintaining NAAQS at their current level and will oppose any efforts to make them more stringent, which could result in severe negative economic impacts in our region. Greenhouse Gas Emissions The Chamber is opposed to federal regulatory efforts seeking to create a new state-level Greenhouse Gas (GHG) performance management measurement on the National Highway System (NHS). Additionally, the Chamber is opposed to requiring ODOT to set their own declining targets from on-road GHG emissions occurring on the NHS. The Chamber will work with ODOT and the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation to advocate against these burdensome requirements that would present severe compliance challenges resulting in a potential loss of federal transportation funding. National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program (NEVI) The Chamber supports ODOT’s efforts to enhance Oklahoma’s existing EV charging network through partnerships with local stakeholders and the private sector. Waters of the United States The Chamber supports the May 2023 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Sackett vs. EPA which limited the scope of the proposed expansive federal “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule to streams, oceans, rivers, lakes, and the wetlands that are virtually indistinguishable from them. Therefore, the Chamber opposes renewed efforts by the EPA to vaguely define the WOTUS rule in ways that are not traditionally regulated under the Clean Water Act. Such an overly broad definition of navigable waters poses serious economic and regulatory complications


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