Britt Gotcher Partner/Senior Vice President, Cory’s 405-840-1019 Britt Gotcher is a partner and senior vice president at Cory’s, Oklahoma’s first full-service AV company. Born and raised in Oklahoma City,
Gotcher arrived at Cory’s with a diverse background that included owning his own retail businesses, fundraising for large nonprofits, and now working to solve technology headaches and making connections throughout Oklahoma. He is a natural networker, an OU football fan, a husband and a father of two girls.
Chris Griswold President, Chris Griswold PC 405-840-1019 Chris Griswold and his team have not only
practiced commercial real estate law, commercial business transactions, intellectual property law,
estate planning, banking, tax, Indian, zoning, and many other areas of law, but they’re also realtors in residential, zoning, commercial, investment and recreational realty - with licenses as both attorneys & realtors in both Texas and Oklahoma. They also do business brokerage.
Chase Henninger JE Dunn Construction Company 214-934-4605
Chase Henninger holds an architecture degree from the Oklahoma State University and spent the majority of his first 10 years in Asia wearing (Cont.)
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