DC Visit 24


Colton Murphy First Deputy, Oklahoma County District #3 405-713-1503 Colton Murphy is the chief deputy to Oklahoma County Commissioner Myles Davidson and a dedicated public servant with a rich background

in government and finance. His commitment to fostering positive relationships with elected officials and other key stakeholders in the Washington, D.C. area enhances his effectiveness in serving the needs of Oklahoma County.

Xavier Neira President, Logatoré, LLC 405-321-3752

Xavier Neira is president of Logatoré, a real estate development and consulting firm. He has been a longtime community volunteer. He serves on

the board of the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, the Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools, Oklahoma City Quality Schools, the Center for Children and Families, Inc., and the Oklahoma Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra. Neira is a graduate of Texas A&M University.

Craig Parrish Business Development, Olsson, Inc. 405-321-3752

Craig Parrish is a senior sales leader with over 25 years of experience. Parrish is a committed to being a catalyst for connections, bridging the



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