Kinetic PT - July 2018

Hip pain, which is especially common among older adults, can severely affect your quality of life. Most people don’t realize how essential well-functioning hips are to daily life until they experience pain. One of the most prevalent sources of hip pain is trochanteric bursitis, which is often simply referred to as hip bursitis. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, hip bursitis affects 15 percent of women and 8.5 percent of men in America. Luckily, physical therapy can help reduce pain and get you back to living your best life. Bursitis occurs when the fluid-filled sacs (bursae) on the side of the hip become damaged or inflamed. In healthy hips, these bursae cushion muscles and tendons.

Injured bursae don’t interact smoothly with muscles and tendons, causing pain and limiting motion. Hip bursitis

an individualized treatment plan based on your needs and ability level. While the nature of each treatment plan is unique, yours will focus on reducing pain, improving flexibility, and strengthening. You’ll also be provided with an in-home exercise routine that will keep the pain from recurring. Summer is here. Nobody should have to spend the most beautiful months of the year indoors because they’re worried about hip pain. Let the team at Kinetic PT Specialists help you enjoy the warm months before they’re gone.

can result in pain when lying on the affected hip, while climbing stairs, and when you get up from a seated position. Needless to say, it can make routine activities a lot more laborious. If you think you’re suffering from hip bursitis, the team at Kinetic PT Specialists can help. To begin, we’ll run a diagnostic test to ensure that bursitis is the cause of your discomfort. Often, these tests will include hands-on contact and observations of your walking gait. Once diagnosis is complete, your therapist will create


Watermelon Salad

This simple, delicious salad is the perfect summer refresher. In under 30 minutes, you’ll have a dish that will inspire rave reviews at your next summer cookout.

INGREDIENTS • 8 cups seedless

• 1 pinch of

cayenne pepper • 1/2 cup mint leaves, torn • Salt to taste

watermelon, cut into 1-inch cubes • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice

INSTRUCTIONS 1. In a large mixing or salad bowl, toss watermelon with lime juice and cayenne pepper.

2. Gently fold in mint leaves. 3. Sprinkle with salt and serve. | 3

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