Habs School - Head of Grounds

OUR VALUES Values are what we hold dear as a school, the core beliefs that we stand for.

We set our sights high in terms of what we want to achieve as individuals and as a community, in and outside the classroom, aspiring to achieve our full potential in whatever we put our minds to.


We believe in the courage to face challenge, embrace opportunity and step out of our comfort zones to grow and become our best selves, whilst also having courage in our conviction, remaining true to our moral compass and what we believe is the right thing to do.


We are driven by an unending desire to learn and improve. We believe that growth comes from not standing still, but having an open and enquiring mind to anything we face.


Since we were founded, we have had an inherent responsibility to our diverse internal and wider community and continue to dedicate ourselves to nurturing and supporting each other to be our best selves.


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