Biola Broadcaster - 1954-06

Riola Campus Caravan


•tBringlng the Classroom



This yeor, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will sponsor "The BIOLA Campus Corovon" in six oreos of the Northwestern States, bringiflg the classroom to the church. Three different classes will be held eoch hour of the morning, from nine to twelve o'clock, giving those who attend o choice of nine stimulating courses of study. Eoch evening, ot 7:30, following a program of special music, an inspirotionol message will be given by one of the Caravan teom members (see photos on poge 5), after which one of Dr. Talbot's latest motion pictures. will be shown which hove . just been completed on his return from Africa. Note carefully the dotes for the Conference nearest you and moke plans now to attend, bringing your friends, for the great spiritual blessings ond challenges to be given.

Mt ,Hermon August W1s.:22

Vaeation ...

with a




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·~:-:::;:::~.·:::::!~~ \~~~\:LA Chancellor, who in May re– t--ed from a six months' missionary t-1: will be speaking and showing his dri~tic colored films which were tak– en d.g those travels. AisJii!~atured will be Dr. Samuel H. Sutheri~, BIOLA President, whose •


voice is . well · known ~ bstene~s ::1., ¥4 !:!;!!;:.. ~ ..... -lf- .....,....._.,.....,,..,_,,,.......,.....,, of the Bible lnsti- ~ ; ii:;_;;, ":?.!~ft:" t~te How:. He will '.:; Wili';l~;fi· ··:-::,:~:~ii!i:;:~;: .. give a senes of spe- ~.:;:.:.:.~·. ":::::::~ cial messages and ,:,J'.JJ•'"" ' . ·:~~ also be heard on the panel discussion feature following .the pattern given over the air. Mr. Al Sanders will preside and· bring questions from conferees. Music will b.e directed by Mr. Earle Hulin, with the Scoville Sisters at the marimba and vibraharp and Margaret Sanders at the organ. Other special DR. SUTHERLAND r •• ==!@ , 1,

speakers will be heard whose pictures appear on page five of the Broadcaster.


(Member BroLA Faculty, Southern California Radio Bible Class, Pastor Calvary Church, Placentia.) * With Campus Caravan * With Mt. Hermon Conference

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Dr. Clyde Narramore (Psychologist for Los Angeles County Schools, Contributing Editor, KING'S BusINEss magazine.) * With Mt. Hermon Conference


• Dr: Gerald Stanton (Member BioLA Faculty, Contribu– ting Editor, KING'S BusINEss maga– zine.) * With Campus Caravan

Scoville Sisters ... Marjorie and Marileen * With Campus Caravan * With Mt. Hermon Conf.

EXTRA - EXTRA "THE BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR" will originate from Mt. Hermon during Blolct Week

ATTENTION! ALL 'YOlJNG PEOPLE! HUME LAKE CONFERENCE With the theme "A View Of Life In 3-D," the Bible Institute Young People's Conference will be held June 26 to July 3 at beautiful Hume Lake. Rev. Dudley Girod, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, will be Dean of the camp. The special speakers will be Rev. Owen Onsun, Calvary Presbyterian Church of Fresno, Dr. Chester Padgett (see REV. DUDLEY GIROD photo above) and Miss Milre Lisso IL • _ • ,.1- •., who will handle the daily discussion of teenage problems and special features. Hume Lake has been declared by many leading con– ference speakers as the most outstanding western youth conference area. Pastors and parents are urged to get their young people to attend for a week of challenge and inspiration which they will never forget.

·. · .: ttTl&e BU1le l••titute Bo•r" BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES .


Tllrougllo•t the W e•t •••

~'!BIBLE INSTITVTE HOVR" Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 A.M.

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558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California




Bakersfield - KBAK - 550 Blshop-KIBS-1230 Chico - KXOC - 1060 El Centro - KXO- 1230 Fresno - KYMO - 1300 Los Angeles - KHJ - 930 Marysvllle-KMYC-1410 Merced-KYOS-1480 -

Rena - KATO -1340

. .. .,-.··.




·. ·'


Albany - KWIL-1240 Ashland - KWIN - 1400 Astoria - KAST- 1370 Bend-KBND-1110

. : ' ·. .,, .. : · . ... ' ·. = .. - / ' ·I: . -~:

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Coos Bay-KOOS-1230 Eugene - KORE - 1450 Paso Robles - KPRL - 1230 Grants Pass - KUIN - 1340 Sacramento- KCRA-1320 Portland - KWJJ - 1080


Salinas - KSBW - 1380 : San Bemardlno - KFXM - 590 San Diego - KGB - 1360 San Francisco - KFRC - 610 :

Roseburg - KRXL - 1240 Salem - KSLM-1390

· ·.

' ' Santa Barbara - KDB - 1490 Belllngham - KPUG - 1170 : ·. Stockton - KXOB - 1280 Cenhlllla - KELA- 1470 ·. .i Tulare - KCOK - 1270 Everett - KRK0-1380 Ventura - KVEN - 1450 Longview - KWLK- 1400 Wasco- KWS0-1050 Olympia - KGY -1240 Seattle - KVI - 570 . Jd h Spokane - KNEW - 790 : · ; a o Walla Walla-KUJ-1420 .... Coeur d'Alene-KVNl-1240 Wenatchee-KWNW-1340 Lewiston - KRLC - 1350 Yakima - KYAK-1400 t Pocatello-KJRL-1240 :_~) Wallace-KWAL-620 Honolulu, Hawaii- KAIM Washington San Luis Obispo - KVEC - 920 Aberdeen - KXRO - 1320 '


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