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voice is . well · known ~ bstene~s ::1., ¥4 !:!;!!;:.. ~ ..... -lf- .....,....._.,.....,,..,_,,,.......,.....,, of the Bible lnsti- ~ ; ii:;_;;, ":?.!~ft:" t~te How:. He will '.:; Wili';l~;fi· ··:-::,:~:~ii!i:;:~;: .. give a senes of spe- ~.:;:.:.:.~·. ":::::::~ cial messages and ,:,J'.JJ•'"" ' . ·:~~ also be heard on the panel discussion feature following .the pattern given over the air. Mr. Al Sanders will preside and· bring questions from conferees. Music will b.e directed by Mr. Earle Hulin, with the Scoville Sisters at the marimba and vibraharp and Margaret Sanders at the organ. Other special DR. SUTHERLAND r •• ==!@ , 1,
speakers will be heard whose pictures appear on page five of the Broadcaster.
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