Reeder & Vermaat 2025 Catalog

Above Ground Steps and Ladders

Spa Steps

Patio Furniture

New for 20 25

T he 9 3 0 0 Roll-2 -Guard Syst em T he B est just got B et t er

A -Fr ame Sys t em

In-Pool St y le

St ep Com bo St y le

1 X 9 3 0 0 1x CPIStep

1 X 9 3 0 0

2 X 9300

No extension or conversion kits are required Adjustable from 48"-60" Use as deck mount/in pool, A -fram e,or com bine w it h a Confer Step

Fast & Easy Assembly No Sand required! 10 "st ep rise 400lb W eight Limit Proudly M ade in USA! 3 0 0

Since the company’s inception – and even before that – Confer Plastics and the Confer family have promoted a culture of innovation. The company is one of the leading large-part blow molders in the world due to our never-ending drive to create new products and new ways of doing things while improving upon existing technologies. Inventiveness is what inspired Ray Confer to launch his own companies and it’s inventiveness that sets us apart to this day.

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