I am now entering my 46th year of working in the AEC business, which seems absolutely crazy to me. I cannot believe it has been so long. Too many firm owners want different results and want to be more successful, yet keep doing things the same way they always have. Break the rules and do something different
Now – more than ever before – it is clear to me that many firms are stuck; their owners want different results and want to be more successful, yet they are anchored in the past and keep doing things the same way they always have. It is just so hard to change. Change seems risky or uncertain. And too many owners of firms in this business lack perspective on how things are done outside of this industry. If this sounds like you and your business, it’s time to break the “rules” and start doing something different! Here are a few of the things I would be looking at: ■ Marketing list. If you want more business, you have got to be more aggressive! Do you have an email list for marketing? How large is it? Do you have the names and addresses for all of the potential clients you want to serve? If not, get them! Build your list. Track it and report on the list size to everyone in the firm. Recognize those who add the most names publicly.
■ Email marketing. Use your list! Give people helpful information in small bits at a time. Tips, success stories, short videos, interviews, survey results, podcasts, discoveries from the field, reviews of conferences, reviews of products, etc. Send out an email to your list every other day at a minimum! ■ Social media. Are you on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn? If not, why not? Are you adding to your networks and followers by finding people you want to do business with and connecting with them? If not, why not? Are you posting two or three times a day on each platform you are on? You need to be! And get your people all doing the same thing. You will
Mark Zweig
overwhelm your target clients (and current clients) so they never forget about you. You
See MARK ZWEIG , page 6
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