Scrutton Bland Property and Construction Newsletter

Trying to combat adverse conditions with the wrong equipment, could also increase the health and safety risk. No matter what the contractual pressure to proceed, a contractor should always remember their duty of care to both employees and hired-in workers. Essential covers are the legally required (PSOR\HUV/LDELOLW\LQVXUDQFHDQG3XEOLF /LDELOLW\SURWHFWLRQ,WFRXOGDOVREHZRUWK FRQVLGHULQJ([FHVV/LDELOLW\LQVXUDQFHZKLFK will step in, should a claim exceed the core liability policy’s limit.

A Contractor’s All Risks policy will cover property damage, including improper structure construction and third-party injury and damage claims. If a contractor is a specialist, such as a piling company, a more tailored policy may be required. But what of the contractual obligations? Purchasing a Performance Bond allows a contractor to guarantee their obligations to their client, offering reassurance that the project will be completed or in the event of breach of contract, direct losses or damages paid to affected third parties.

Get in touch with your broker, advise them and your insurer of everything and listen to advice relating to covers. If not, what lies beneath could catch you out. To get in touch with one of our friendly team call 0330 058 6559 or email

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