Scrutton Bland Property and Construction Newsletter

Has the work on the New Wolsey Theatre led to similar commissions?

You’ve said that costs are rising at an unprecedented rate. What can construction ʳUPVGRWRDGGUHVVWKLV" /DERXUFRVWVDUHKLJKDQGPDWHULDOVDUHRIWHQLQ short supply which again drives prices up. Then there is the issue of fuel prices, which hasn’t been helped as we now have to use white rather than red diesel, which is twice the price. We were hoping that things would start to settle down as restrictions eased after the main waves of the pandemic, but with the current global issues that hasn’t been the case. Certainly ʳ[HGSULFHFRQWUDFWVDUHWRXJKWRSULFHDWWKH moment and the industry is pushing towards SULFHʴXFWXDWLRQFODXVHVZKLFKSURWHFWERWKWKH client, supply chain and the contractor. Between February 2021 and February 2022 prices have increased by over 20% which makes giving an DFFXUDWHʳ[HGSULFHQLJKRQLPSRVVLEOH The best advice I can give is to work at creating honest relationships with clients and suppliers. Gipping’s philosophy has always been that the key to good business practice is to discuss issues with people in an honest way in order to solve any issues that arise. We’re all having to deal with increased costs across the board so it’s better to have a conversation about that as soon as possible with a client, otherwise you run the risk of having issues further down the line. We always try to be up-front with potential problems and to work collaboratively with everyone involved in the project. As a result we have developed some positive relationships with our colleagues, not least with Scrutton Bland.

Gipping’s directors have been working with Scrutton Bland for thirty years. What’s the secret to such a long business relationship? Our Directors worked with Scrutton Bland long before Gipping was founded and have developed a strong working relationship with them over the years. It’s so important to work ZLWKʳQDQFLDODGYLVHUV\RXFDQWUXVWDQGZKR understand your business and the kind of challenges that you are facing as the business and economic landscape changes. We know we can pick up the phone to Sue Gull or Ben Cussons and they will be there for us. When our former directors were thinking of retiring, Scrutton Bland assisted us with looking at employee share trusts and how to structure the right management team. They have also been really helpful in making sure we are kept up to VSHHGRQUHJXODWLRQVIRUʳQDQFLDOFRPSOLDQFH and what any changes may mean for our business. To get in touch to discuss your business and possible restructures please call 0330 058 6559 or email For more information on Gipping see or email

We really enjoyed working with the New Wolsey Theatre team, so much so that they then asked us to do some refurbishment work on the front of house and foyer in the main theatre, again with WGP Architects. We’ve had a huge number of enquiries since and have been working in the town on a wide variety of projects, from stripping out work on the old BT building in Handford Road, creating a new audiology unit for the NHS at St Helens House, two school projects in Whitton and construction of two blocks of apartments for IBC in Grimwade Street, near the Ipswich Waterfront. Ipswich Borough Council has a strong reputation for social housing and is working on increasing and improving their housing stock. Current demand for construction work is really high, which is somewhat ironic as costs for labour, fuel and materials are spiralling upwards at the moment.

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