Biosport PT: About Us

Did You Know That You Have The Right To Choose Which Therapy Provider You & Your Family Receive Care From? WE WANT TO BE YOUR THERAPY PROVIDER FOR LIFE!

Call (209) 524-7488 Today! We want to serve you & your family!

Choice of provider is an important right of patients. Considerations in making your choice are similar to considerations in choosing your family doctor or dentist. Your Physician can make recommendations regarding where you receive therapy services, but ultimately the decision is yours! BioSport Physical Therapy will always work closely with your physician to ensure good communication and coordination of your care! Here are some important questions to ask yourself: Does your therapy provider have experience and training in working with your condition or diagnosis? Does this therapy provider offer you a primary therapist and /or team that will consistently provide you with care? Does your therapy provider know you and or your family and past history or special considerations for treatment?

Have you received quality services from this provider in the past? Including: • One-on-one attention? • Patient education on your condition and self-care? • Skilled therapy with good outcomes? • Follow up? Is this therapy provider in your health plan? What kind of co- payments or costs are associated with therapy with this provider?

Does this therapy provider offer convenient: • Location to your work or home? • Scheduling? • Parking? • Assistance with your insurance?

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