Although many large broadband providers have social tariffs for low-income households, Ofcom data shows over 40 per cent of UK households eligible for these tariffs do not switch to these plans as they view the speeds offered to be too slow.
Decreasing the divide
As MS3’s network is wholesale only, it is designed to support both larger and smaller ISPs. The increased competition that comes from additional providers results in maximum choice and affordability for customers. MS3 also offers all its partners the opportunity to take a subsidised social tariff for those end customers that need it most. As education and job opportunities increasingly rely on digital access, the academic and employment outcomes for those without fast broadband are likely to suffer. Altnets that provide affordable full fibre broadband options not only help close the digital divide but open the door to opportunities for the most disadvantaged in society. To discover the work MS3 is doing across the North of England and how its wholesale service operates, get in touch with the team.
So, how can we combat the digital divide to drive social mobility? With a recent Communications and Digital Committee report claiming the UK Government has “no credible strategy” to tackle digital exclusion, current methods are not wholly effective. Although many large broadband providers have social tariffs for low-income households, Ofcom data shows over 40 per cent of UK households eligible for these tariffs do not switch to these plans as they view the speeds offered to be too slow. Alternative networks, or altnets, could provide the solution. Altnets such as MS3 build their own independent broadband infrastructure which customers can access through one of the network’s internet service provider (ISP) partners. MS3’s full fibre broadband offers speeds of up to a gigabit to homes and businesses across the North of England — meaning customers do not need to sacrifice speed for affordability.
Volume 46 No.2 MAY 2024
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