22188 - SCTE Broadband - May2024


business by enabling a more efficient cash flow process.

It’s important to ensure that any software contractors select are easy-to-use with intuitive design features and near real- time synchronisation capabilities so they are able collaborate seamlessly with engineering teams, make on-the-fly adjustments, and ensure that network designs align with customer specifications and regulatory standards. Having the ability to use mobile devices, to record asset attributes, perform inspections, and document changes to network infrastructure with ease, ensures the accuracy and completeness of asset records, reduces the risk of errors or discrepancies, and enhances the overall reliability of network documentation. By maintaining up-to-date asset information, contractors can support informed decision-making, facilitate regulatory compliance, and improve asset lifecycle management practices. Creating more efficient task management execution For network builds, contractors must be empowered to execute work orders and tasks with precision and efficiency. This means that they should be able to receive assignments directly on their mobile devices, along with detailed instructions, location information, and asset data. Being able to navigate to job sites, view underground infrastructure, and identify potential hazards or conflicts before beginning work means that contractors can prepare more much more thoroughly. When contractors are out in the field, it’s crucial to enable communication in real-time by providing tools that enable integrated messaging and that have collaboration features to share updates, progress reports, and photos directly from the field. This enhances transparency and enables quick resolution of issues or challenges that may arise during project execution. Being able to leverage location-based data from mobile devices enables better coordinate with other teams to optimise resource allocation for maximum efficiency. Additionally, having access to an offline functionality is critical so they can continue working in areas with limited connectivity, ensuring uninterrupted productivity in any environment. All of these factors combined make a big difference to finish the project on time and within the budget. The effective task management can also enable contractors to clearly document work completion and receive payment more promptly, benefitting them, and the

Enhanced reporting and analytics

Finally, powerful reporting and analytics capabilities are vital to both the contractor and network operator to track project progress, measure performance, and identify areas for improvement. Poor reporting can often lead to conflicts or confusion between teams, which can slow down sign-off for completion of project phases. This can even create conflict with customer and slow the contract and payment process. Contractors should be able to generate customisable reports on work completed, materials used, time spent, and other key metrics, enabling them to demonstrate compliance with project requirements and provide detailed documentation for invoicing or auditing purposes. Enhanced reporting can also be a benefit to the network operator in the hand-off process. They know exactly what there are getting and are in a better position to support the network long-term. Advanced analytics tools allow contractors to analyse trends, identify bottlenecks, and optimise workflows for increased efficiency and cost savings. Success driven from the field As broadband services moved from a “nice to have” to an essential resource over the last few years, there is a growing imperative to deliver high-speed fibre infrastructure to everyone. For fibre operators, large and small, third-party contractors are a key part of the journey to make this happen, and optimising contractor field operations is critical to the overall success of their business. Network operators that provide the means to enable real-time collaboration, execute work orders efficiently and maintain accurate documentation for reporting will be the ones to see a notable difference in their field process efficiency and emerge as market leaders with the most compelling service and support offerings for years to come.



Volume 46 No.2 MAY 2024

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