22188 - SCTE Broadband - May2024


creates a challenge for interoperability. As the protocol allows for a certain flexibility in the way OLTs and ONTs communicate, which can differentiate from vendor to vendor, this may mean that equipment is unable to perform sufficiently together, or not at all. The difference of the dual- box setup In the dual-box setup, a termination box (Layer-2 bridge device) is complemented by a feature-rich standalone home gateway. In such a setup, the provisioning is handled by the OLT via the OMCI protocol to the termination box and is controlled by the network provider.

Step 1: Keep the existing 3rd-party OLT and ONTs.

Step 2: Add Iskratel Innbox ONTs to 3rd-party OLT. n 3rd-party OLT only establishes a Layer-2 connection; n ACS configures the triple play services; n ACS is connected with the NBI (Northbound Interface) to the existing OSS/BSS (Operations Support System/Business Support System).

Fear not. We’ve got this! Slovenia’s Kontron broadband team has the knowledge and expertise to make our OLTs and ONTs work on the same network with virtually anything. This has enabled many successful deployments in different environments where a seamless integration of equipment with other vendor equipment was required as per operator’s deployment plans. At present, Iskratel Lumia OLTs and Iskratel Innbox ONTs are interoperable with equipment from other major vendors. This provides operators with the flexibility for quick deployments, even in the most challenging and isolated rural areas.

Step 3: Deploy Iskratel Lumia OLT in the network. n The OLT is managed by Iskratel MNS or via NBI using the so-called REST API/SOAP protocol to the existing OSS/BSS; n Iskratel Lumia OLT establishes a Layer-2 connection to the 3rd-party and Iskratel Innbox ONTs; n ACS configures the triple play services; n ACS is connected with NBI on existing OSS/BSS.

And what if…

If a minor hiccup occurs, the Slovenia’s Kontron team is able to identify the interoperability issue and resolve it quickly. The software stack delivers the flexibility needed to adjust management and configuration. Below is an example of the standard process to achieve seamless integration.


Volume 46 No.2 MAY 2024

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