22188 - SCTE Broadband - May2024


Navigating the Pay-TV Evolution: Technologies to Watch for in 2023

by wisi

How Operators Can Leverage ABR Receive, SRT, and ATSC 3.0 to Stay Competitive and Future-Proof Their Video Networks

Evolution Continues in the Pay-TV Market If there is one truth about the Pay-TV market, it’s that evolution is never-ending. Over the last few years, video streaming has continued to grow as a consumption model. According to Nielsen 1 , Americans streamed more than 19.4 million years of content in 2022, an increase of 27%, up from about 15 million years in 2021. The shift from linear TV to online streaming platforms is partially due to an overall change in video consumption habits, particularly the demand for more convenience. With video streaming services, consumers can watch anything, anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

an explosion in video streaming subscriptions. As people spent more time at home for entertainment, remote work, and learning purposes, they increasingly relied upon high-speed broadband services for connectivity and video. However, research 2 shows that the boom period for video streaming is now over. Consumers are fatigued by having to choose between so many different streaming services and linear TV options. In 2022, Netflix lost more than 1 million subscribers, and a Global Streaming Study 3 found that 35% of people are likely to unsubscribe from a streaming service in the next 12 months due in part to subscription fatigue. What does the growth in video streaming and subsequent consumer fatigue with so many streaming options mean for cable operators?

The COVID-19 global health crisis has also played a key role in igniting


Volume 46 No.2 MAY 2024

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