the sellers guide to
residential property
Andrew Morgan MBE , Oliver Hollis and their team are experienced local property professionals with a huge knowledge of residential property in North West Bristol and other prime areas of our City. From our Clifton Village office, we cover a broad range of the property market. Unlike many other firms, who focus on specific market niches, we are thoroughly experienced in successfully handling all aspects of the property market from Clifton townhouses to suburban family homes, rural retreats to mews houses, purpose built apartments to period conversions and penthouses to garden flats.
residential sales | auctions 0117 973 6565 hollismorgan – not just auctioneers… ” … at Hollis Morgan we have almost 100 years of combined experience within our residential property team From years of experience we know that the key to successful selling is to create momentum based on the combination of a professionally considered asking price, powerful marketing and gentle, but skilful and effective negotiations to close a sale. “ r e s i d e n t i a l sales
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