King's Business - 1931-01


January 1931

T HE K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Among the Chosen People B y J. A . V aus *

These meetings, which are of an evangelistic nature, are inspirational in a threefold way. To Gentile Chris­ tians, they serve as a means of deepening interest in Isra­ el’s evangelization. To Jewish Christians, they are a source of much needed encouragement. To unconverted Jews, the special messages on Jewish themes, and the personal experiences of conversion related by Jewish Christians, present a convincing appeal for the Messianic claims of Christ. Many Jewish people have, through the influence of such meetings, been led to decide for Christ. For instance, at the last service, a Jewess who had long been dealt with responded with uplifted hand to the gospel invitation and was afterward instructed in the initial steps necessary for a young Christian to take. Also, an English Jewess, who had formerly been in touch with some of the Jewish missions in London, Eng­ land, and who acknowledged an interest in Christianity dating back to ,her girlhood, was led to Christ by a He­ brew Christian who talked to her while she sat in an auto­ mobile in front of the Institute building. One of the bright faces in the accompanying picture is that of a young Jewish man. While on a long auto trip, one of the Hebrew Christian workers of the Jewish Department urged him to make a decision for Christ. Another in this group is a young Jewish business man who has recently confessed Christ as his Messiah and Saviour and is soon to be baptized with a number of other Jewish converts. At almost every Jewish-Christian fellowship meeting, testimonies are given by young Jewish converts who, for the first time, are publicly acknowledging faith in Christ. An interesting, colorful, and helpful form of mission­ ary work is that of open air meetings. Each week, a group of students, with the director of the Jewish Depart­ ment, visits one of the most thickly settled Jewish dis­ tricts of the city. There, on a busy street corner where nine out of every ten persons are Jewish, a service of es­ pecial interest to Jews is conducted. Large crowds of Jewish people are attracted to these meetings and much Christian literature, printed in Yiddish and English, is distributed. Some who hear the messages are persuaded to attend the indoor services on Sunday af-

m f ^ A N Y avenues of approach are followed by the jW fB i workers of the Jewish Department of the Bible Jjf Institute, as these witnesses seek to carry out qpflpgOgL the divine purpose of the evangelization of JjLT ¡fTafcGod’s ancient people, Israel. Whatever the channel of approach or the method employed, the object in every case is the same ; namely, by means of the Old Testament scriptures to point the inquiring Israel­ ite to “the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.” J ew ish M issions C ourse Interest in the recently inaugurated Jewish Missions Course of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is steadily growing. The increased attendance upon classes is an in­ dication of the fact. For the convenience of those who cannot take this course in the regular day school, a four- year course has been arranged in connection with the evening classes. Tentative plans are now being considered for the inauguration of a Jewish Mission Correspondence Course. This plan will be welcomed by many who are un­ able to attend either the day or evening classes. Many Jewish lives are being influenced for Christ through contacts with the students of the Institute. On various occasions, having been attracted by the Hebrew chart on the wall or the sign advertising the Jewish Mis­ sions Course, or influenced by the invitation of a student, unconverted Jewish people have visited some of the class sessions. In a nuniber of such instances, the speaker has digressed from the regular lesson for a few minutes in order to bring a message to the unsaved. The names and addresses of visitors are secured, if possible, and they are followed up later. J ew ish M eetings '■*The accompanying photograph shows only a part of the group of Jewish and Gentile friends who attended one of the Sunday afternoon Jewish-Christian meetings. Such services are held on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. ♦Director, Jewish Missions Course, Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

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