King's Business - 1931-01

January 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

mon has a very definite application to personal present-day needs; and is both evangelistic and evangelical. Any preach­ er or layman who thinks that Biblical preaching is dull ought to read this book. 164 pages. Doubleday, Doran & Co. Cloth. Price $1.60. — o — Stories for Young People Pickering & Inglis, publishers of Chris­ tian literature in England, have, among other good books, several series of stories for young people. It is quite impossible, within the limits of the space devoted to book reviews in T he K ing ’ s B usiness , to give more than a bare mention of the fol­ lowing.: David Elliott by E. Everett Green. A story of the English Seas in which David Elliott, a young sailor, endures scoffing for the sake of Christ. 190 pages. Cloth. Price $1.00. Old Chickweed by E. A. Bland. As a soldier, “Chickweed” served his Queen; as a Christian—living the closing years of his life in poverty—he witnessed so ef­ fectively for Christ that many were won for Him. 220 pages. Cloth. Price $1.00. Nella by J. Goldsmith Cooper. Con­ verted while a young girl, Nella’s faith Ursula by L. A. Barter-Snow. This book is an addition to the well-known Golden Crown Series. It is a story that will hold interest because there is an el­ ement of adventure in it, and will prove an incentive to missionary endeavor. 320 pages. Cloth. Price $1.25. . Ruth’s Roses by L. A. Barter-Snow. 122 pages. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Norah’s Victory by L. A. Barter-Snow. 262 pages. Cloth. Price $1.25. Fisher Dan by M. E. Drewsen. 95 pages. Cloth. Price 75 cents, A Madcap Family by Amy LeFeuvre. 270 pages. Cloth. Price $1.25. Brindlewood Farm by S. E. Burrow. 126 pages. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Briny’s Boy by Lily Watson. 160 pages. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Merry and Cherry by M. E. Drewsen. 96 pages. Price 75 cents. LOSANGELES PACIFIC COLLEGE 40% Registration Increase! WHY? FULL A C C R E D IT A T IO N -STR O N G FACULTY—ENDOWMENT—LOW RA T E S— CHR IST IA N IN F LU EN C E -C L EA N S PO R T S—2 7 YEARS O F SUCCESS BYRON S. LAMSON, Pres., 5832 Ebey Ave. Register Now! was often tested, but she remained true to her Lord in every test. 159 pages. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Lettice Martyn’s Crusade by Flora E. Berry. The careers of four school chums whose lives were touched by a Christian woman are interwoven in this story for teen age girls. 155 pages. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 .

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“It has given me new in­ spiration in Bible reading.” “I used it to preach 600 ser­ mons.” “The helps are a regular theological course.” These are a few comments from among the hundreds on file sent by some of the 500,000 readers of The Scofield R eference B ible Printed in two sizes of type , all styles being page for page the same. TWO SIZES—The same, page for page. Handy Size—Miniop black-faced type. Size 7x4% inches. Larger Type —Brevier black-faced type. Size 8%x5% inches.

Handy Size

Larger Type 90 $ 2.75 No.


40 $ 1.95 Cloth, Postage extra....

50 53

2.50 Cloth ............................. 5.50 French Morocco, divinity cir- cult ..................... 7.00 Persian Morocco, divinity cir-


3.25 6.50



cult, leather lined to edge 79


Oxford India Paper Edition 53x 7.00 French Morocco, divinity cir- cuit ..................... . 55x 8.00 French Morocco, divinity cir- cuit, leather lined............. 58x 8.50 Alaska Seal, limp, leather lined ............................. 59x 9.00 Persian Morocco, divinity cir- 65x 10.50 Real Morocco, divinity cir- cuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed....................... 66x 12.00 Levant Morocco, divinity cir- cuit, calf lined to edge,

THE KING’S BUSINESS 5 3 6 So. H o p e S t. L o s A n g e le s, C alif. $ 1 .5 0 A Y EA R E A C H SUB SCR IPT ION . 1.25 A Y E A R IN G R O U P S O F FO U R O R MORE . 1.00 A Y E A R IN G R O U P S O F TEN O R MORE . A D D 2 5 c F O R C A N A D IA N A N D FOR E IGN . “

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cuit, leather lined to edge.. 79x 11.50

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85x 12.75

silk sewed ......................... 86x 15.00

68x 13.00 Sealskin,

divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed .............................

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Inclosed y o u w ill find $.......................................... fo r w h ich p lease send TH E ICING’S BUSINESS fo r one y e ar, to each o f the follow in g:


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153x 8.50 French Morocco, divinity cir- 155x 9.50 French Morocco, divinity cir- 10.00 Alaska Seal, limp, leather lined ............................ 159x 10.50 Persian Morocco, divinity cir- 165x 12.00 Real Morocco, divinity cir- cuit, calf lined to edge, 158x

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168x 14.50 Sealskin,

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7.00 French Morocco, divinity cir-

A d d ress.................. ............. .......... ...................._______^

cuit ....................................... 473


Oxford India Paper Edition 359x 11.00 Persian Morocco, divinity cir- cult, leather lined to edge,

.4 N am e..__ ___________ ......................................................................................................

silk sewed............................. 479x 13.50

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