King's Business - 1931-01

January 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

4. The Measure of Power ». “According to the riches of his glory.” What abounding wealth of power be­ longs to the Christian ! * * * C hrist W ithin “In order that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith ; that ye being rooted and grounded in love” (18). 1. The Place Where Christ Dwells—“In you hearts.” 2. The Door Through Which Christ En­ ters—“By faith.” 3. The Fruit Which Christ Brings— “Love.” * * * T he D imensions of C hrist ’ s L ove “ That he, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ” (17-19). 1. The Breadth of that Love —“For God so loved the world.” As broad as all mankind. 2. The Length of that Love■ —“That he gave his only begotten Son.” God was willing to go all thè way, even to the offering of His Son. 3. The Depth of that Love —“That who­ soever believeth in him should not perish.” Reaches down and takes the lowest. 4. The Height of that Love —“But have eternal life.” Lifted up to glory by His boundless love. Ht sjs * T he P aradox of C hrist ’ s L ove “And to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge” (19).

1. Only the loving heart in which Christ dwells can know the love of Christ. 2. Even that heart cannot know the full­ ness of that love. a. We have a real but an incomplete knowledge. b. We apprehend, but we do not com­ prehend. * * * F illed “That ye might be filled with all the fullness of God” (19). 1. The Vessels to be Filled. To be filled, we must first be emptied of self. 2. The God Who Offers to Fill Us. An omnipotent God willing to dwell in our feeble lives! How eager we should be to let Him come in, in all His power 1 —o— February 22, 1931 A cts 1 :6-8 'T 'HE last topic of the month reads “Ev­ ery Christian a Missionary.” The scripture reference is one which is full of historic interest as well as practical mean­ ing for every Christian. Again the pas­ sage lends itself well to analysis and should provide ample material for intelli­ gent discussion along a number of dif­ ferent lines of truth. The following are merely suggestive. T he G reat C ommission The great commission is given in some form at the close of each of the four Gos-

pels. In each case, the emphasis is in a slightly different place. 1. The Kingly Note of Authority (Matt. 28:18). 2. The Accompaniment of Divine Pow­ er (Mk. 16:15-18). 3. The Universality of the Witness (Lk. 24:46-49). 4. The Filling of the Spirit (John 20: 21 , 22 ). In Acts 1:6-8 all of these elements are combined: 1. The background question concerning the kingdom presupposes the King (6). Christ speaks with authority. 2. The' Accompaniment of Divine Power —“But ye shall receive power.” . 3. The Universality of the Witness—“Ye shall be witnesses . . . unto the utter­ most parts of the earth.” 4. The Filling of the Spirit—-*“After that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” jjt * * A cts 1 :8 1. The Equipment—“Ye shall receive power.” 2. The Dynamic —“After that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” 3. The Commission —“Ye shall be wit­ nesses.” 4. The Commander —“Witnesses unto me.” 5. The Field —Universal. a. “In Jerusalem”—City evangel­ ism. b. “In all Judea and Samaria”— Home missions. c. “And uttermost parts of the earth”—Foreign missions.


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