King's Business - 1931-01


January 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Questions for th e Modernist B y W il lia m P ow ick

SAFE INCOME FOR LIFE Mrs. B. E. M . o f New York


If the modernist’s conception of the Bible is tru e ; if it is not a revelation from God of Himself but only a mere human record of what men once discovered about God —or thought they did; if it is not final nor divinely authoritative; how is it that modernists have been unable to continue their discoveries ? Why is it that with all their superior wisdom they have been un­ able to enlarge their stock of knowledge of God and divine things? If, as they claim, the Old Testament prophets and New Testament apostles were inspired in no 'other sense than they are themselves, how is it that these modern prophets and apostles, with their greater advantages and broader and clearer vision, are so powerless to even approximate their “foresight” of things to come and their ability to bring things to pass? If their notions of the inspiration of the writers of the Bible are true, it is not only a very serious reflection upon their own claims to superior scholarship and ability and knowledge, but it raises a strong presump­ tion of their own intellectual if not moral degeneracy. What single item of knowl­ edge concerning God and Christ and sin and salvation have they . discovered through all the ages, which has not been in the Book from the dawn of Christian­ ity? With all their scientific discoveries and scientific methods they have not dis­ covered one single additional fact con­ cerning these vital subjects. Why have they been content to simply exhaust their abilities in quibbling about the facts air- ready made known by revelation? When they have quit wabbling they will find that the “impregnable rock of Holy Scrip­ ture” contained it all from the beginning. Their reputation for ability can be saved only by realizing the falsity of their posi­ tion .—The Methodist. —o— God is Faithful Such phrases are often found in the New Testament: “God is faithful,” “the Lord is faithful,” “this is a faithful say­ ing.” If our hearts will only rest upon His faithfulness we shall find in it not only the most exquisite joy and assured peace, but also the ground of our perfect confidence that He will accomplish His purposes in us, and glorify Himself in our lives. To be occupied unduly with self in the matter of holiness is to become self- centered, morbid, fearful, and weak; to be occupied with God is to be. restful, quiet, strong, confident, and ever growing in grace.— Dr. Griffith Thomas. —o — The Blood of Chirst The blood of Christ—it binds all heaven, with its many mansions and throngs with­ out number, in holy and indissoluble se­ curity. My soul, seek no other stream in which to drown thy leprosy. My hands, seek no other task with which to prove your energy. I would be. swallowed up in Christ. I would be nailed to His Cross. O my Jesus! my Saviour! Thine heart did burst for me, and all its sacred blood flowed for the cleansing of my sin. I need it every day. I need it more and more.gfJoseph Parker.

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