King's Business - 1931-01

January 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

An Enduring Investment In Christian Education

February 2 —“A n d J e su s sat over against the treasury” (Mk. 12:41). Not only in the kingdom of this world, but in the kingdom of heaven too, a man is judged by his money, and yet on a dif­ ferent principle. The world asks, What does a man own? Christ, How does he use it? The world thinks more about the money getting; Christ, about the mon­ ey giving. And when a man gives, the world still asks, What does he give? Christ asks, How does he give? How different our standard and Christ’s. We ask how much a man gives; Christ asks how much he keeps. If our Lord wanted us to do as the poor widow did, why did He not leave a clear command ? How gladly then would we do it. Ah 1 there you have it. You want a command to make you do it; that would just be the spirit of the world in the church looking at what we give, at our giving all. And that is just what Christ does not wish and will not have. He wants the generous love that does it unbidden. He wants every gift to be warm and bright with love, a true free­ will offering. If you want the Master’s approval as the poor widow had it, re­ member one thing: you must put all at His feet, hold all at His disposal. . . . Lord Jesus! Oh,, give me grace to love Thee intently, that I may know how to give. —Andrew Murray. A broken heart, my God, my King, Is all the sacrifice I bring; The God of grace will ne’er despise A broken heart for sacrifice. —Isaac Watts. -—o— February 3— “And he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed” (Lk. 17:14). When our Lord Jesus Christ was here on earth a number of leprous men met him saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” They were men who knew their need, and who knew where that need'was to be met, and who were determined that it should be met. I am quite certain of this, that we shall never really get blessed unless there is upon us that divine hun­ ger and thirst that refuses to turn aside until God, in His mercy, satisfies. These men cried to Jesus Christ with a heart agony, and immediately the response was, “Go, shew yourselves to the priests. And it came to pass that as they went, they were cleansed.”— W. H. Finney. Discouraged, weary, lonely one, you who have tried and failed, and failed on­ ly to try again, it is to you I write, it is for you I pray, and I bring you a mes­ sage from the heart of God: “Believe me.” Your problem is a real one, and dif­ ficult, but no difficulty exists with Him who by a word flung the stars into space. Your sorrow is great, and greater be­ cause you must bear it in silence without the sympathy of friends, but tenderly “the Man of Sorrows” calls to you, “Believe me,” and your sorrow is His . . . And so we are triumphant! No sorrow can crush me, because once it crushed Him. Fear­ lessly we face death, because He took the sting away . . . Hopefully we look be­ yond the tomb, for our gospel is a gospel of an empty grave. February 4— “Believe me” (John 14: n ) .

^YTHER things being equal, C h ris tia n e d u c a tio n at Wheaton, in the long run, yields exceedingly high returns upon the investment. The student body at Wheaton ;during the . school year 1929-30 came from 28 different denomina­ tions. It represented 38 states and 15 foreign countries. Receiving an advanced college training of the highest order; and thoroughly grounded in the principles of God­ liness; hundreds of Wheaton grad­ uates year after year will continue to go out to lives of service, blessing themselves and those about them. A very large p o r tio n o f Wheaton’s students also become ministers, missionaries, or otherwise actively engaged in Christian work. Who can fathom the influence of such thoroughly equipped lives invested for 30, 40, 50 years in the work of the Master ? Only Eternity will disclose the blessed results of such Christian training. Wheaton is growing. It is a fully accredited institution schol­ astically. It is becoming stronger financially; while spiritually the standards have always been funda­ mentally and practically Christian. You may become a partner in Wheaton’s work—a permanent investor in her great accomplish­ ments—through our attractive annu­ ity plan. Yields as high as 10% for life;with ample financialbackground; and when you are gone your capital will continue to bear increasing dividends in Christian service.

The simple and beautiful west facade of the new Chapel Building which was President Blanchard’s last contribution to his beloved institution. Through its twin entrances, faculty and graduates enter and leave on commencement day. Here all students gather each school day for religious services.

For fu rth er inform ation o f W h eaton ’s needs a n d how you m ay help, address the office o f the V ice President. t f t h e a t o n C o t t e n e ‘ 31111101 « innmrinmmnnnnmnmmmrimnmfflfimmmmnn.TOffiwTOTOnnriniirimri “ F O U C H R I S T A N D H I S K I N G D O M ”

W IN O T H E R S T O CH R IST An effective m ethod is by the use of an in ter­ esting Gospel tract, prayerfully handed or en­ closed in a letter. For samples of good tracts for C hristians and the unsaved, also Gospel of John, “U nderscored.” vest-pocket size, send 35 cents (stam ps accepted). BIBLE HOUSE OF LOS ANGELES 927 South W estm oreland Ave. Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A. TOWER CHIMES Played from keyboard, direct from organ console or automatically___Price, $4375 and u p. . . . . Literature on request......... Address Department 191 Deagan Building, Chicago. J. c. DEAGAN, me.

T h e p roblem o f y o u th is th e problem o f hum anity. Be a m issionary in earth 's w hitest harvest field. Send one dollar for ten copies of our message, “Laws of life" and distribute to youth. 25 copies $2. W rite for inform ation about T h e C h ild S crip tu re G ift F ellow ship Newfield, N. Y.

BILHORN BRO S. 2 9 W. Lake S t., Chicago

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