King's Business - 1931-01

January 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

see Thy face unveiled ; meet me on this bank of the crystal river. Meet me in the mist and in the rain. Come to me in my cloud. Speak to me in my struggles. Wait for me at the opening of the val­ ley. Translate me into Thy presence ere I tread the narrow way. Send me the morning before the evening. Show me heaven ere I die;— George Matheson. • — o — February 10— “Rejoice in the Lord” (Phil. 3:1). The one thing that can bring unfailing joy to the soul is to understand and know God. . . . Everything for us depends upon what He is. He has created us and put us in our present environment, and we are absolutely in His power. Just as the welfare of any possession depends upon the character and temper and knowledge of its owner, so does our welfare depend upon the character and the temper and knowledge of Gòd. None of our posses- ' sions could be of the slightest worth to us if we were under the dominion of a cruel and wicked God. Therefore, for us 1to have everlasting joy, we must come to the place where we understand and know “the Lord which exercises lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.” , God alone is unchangeable ; what we call “spiritual blessings” are full of the ele­ ment of change. The prayer which is answered today may seem to be unan­ swered tomorrow ; the promises, once so gloriously fulfilled, may cease to have any apparent fulfillment; the spiritual bless­ ing, which was at one time such a joy, may be utterly lost; and nothing of all we once trusted and rested on may be left us,, but the hungry longing memory of it all. But when all else is gone, God is still left'. Nothing changes Him. He is the same .yesterday, today, arid forever, arid in Him is nò variableness, neither shadow of turn­ ing. The soul that finds its joy in Him alone can suffer no wavering.— Mrs. Pear­ sall Smith. -o—- February 11— “For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition ivhich I asked o f him : therefore also I have lent him to the Lord” (1 Sam. 1:27, 28). There is nothing allowed by God to en­ ter the life, of His children that does not have a purpose; and though He may send mysterious things that are beyond human explanation, if we take in the right way. the things that He sends, they can only lead to blessing. The ministry of disap­ pointment may last for many years, but it cannot last always. I wonder if any­ thing else but a realization of her need would have brought Hannah to this place of consecration. If she had had children in the early years of her married life, would she have dedicated any of them to God? Was the fulfillment of this great desire denied her for so long in: order to. bring her to her knees,, and eventually to that place where she vowed that, if her prayer was answered and her request granted, her gift would be handed back, and he whom she obtained by petition would be returned to the Lord? How afraid oftentimes we are to consecrate our best to God! “Lord, my life I lay before Thee, Hear the sacred voW! All Thine own I now restore Thee, Thine forever now.” — Selected.


Illustrated P o ck et GOSPELS'ST . LUKE F O R S. S. LE SSON S F O R S IX M ON TH S O F 19 3 1 . American Scripture Gift Mission 1 1 9 S. 4th St., Phila.j Pa. M ore effective:— w ith “ W ay o f L ife ” in the fron t, 4 colo red p ictures, 4 G ospel H ym ns a n d a D ecision F orm in back. T H O U S A N D S U SED L A S T Y E A R IN P E R S O N A L E V AN G E L ISM Your help is urgently needed, to provide Gospels and T estam ents for boys and girls of the southland. In November alone 2850 Testam ents were “earned” by reading a Gospel through.

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“This is the story of the conversion of the Jewish evangelist, Philip Sider­ sky, published at the earnest request of friends. Mr. Sidersky has enjoyed a ministry of wide scope. He knows the soul of God's chosen people and is quali­ fied to discuss their beliefs, customs and traits. It is a thrilling story, and the booklet may be placed in the hands of anyone who is earnestly seeking the truth. The book is published by the author.”— Christian Observer. . u 1 haI e read your booklet, “The Jewish Passdver,” with groat interest and profit.”— Dr. Howard Agnew Johnson, Pastor, Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, Milwaukee. Price 25 cents. ORDER FROM PHILIP SIDERSKY, P. O. Box 1207 , LOS ANGELES, CALIF. N S U R A N C E—S1, Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY AND ALL OTHER K INDS OF INSURANCE Mines & MacKeigan & Anderson, Inc. 639 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, California PHONE VAndike 7102 N C E 900

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