King's Business - 1931-01


January 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Habakkuk 3:17, 18 “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” —0— Missionary Free Subscriptions B ECAUSE , of the many appeals for various financial needs, it has not seemed wise to press the claims of our friends in foreign lands to whom, through the gen­ erosity of other subscribers, we have been able to send free copies of T he K ing ’ s B u siness . Our special funds for this purpose have been practically exhausted. Many to whom the magazine has become very dear have been deprived of its comfort and ministry. It was a grief to us some months.ago to be compelled to discontinue its visits to more than forty stations of the China Inland Mis­ sion. One of the missionaries of that society, who has received the magazine through the liberality of a friend, speaks of its value in the following language. I am so grateful for T he K ing ’ s B usiness . I feel we really need it, for each week the Lisu come to us for help on their sermons. Without such magazines as T he K ing ’ s B usiness , it is almost impossible to keep our sermon barrels full enough to supply their demands. Sometimes I am required to help them prepare as many as four messages a week.; They have no commentaries or helps in the Lisu language, and therefore I have to read to them. T he K ing ’ s B usiness will be a great help. Should any of our subscribers wish to have a part in thus passing on the Word to others, like these aborigines in China, a contribution to the missionary free subscription fund will be welcomed.

He maintains in this country (U. S.) a political or­ ganization that for efficiency and power is not rivaled by either of our two major partiës. ' His three hundred periodicals (in the U. S.), with a circulation in excess of seven million subscribers, con- stantly attack our public schools, our immigration laws, . , prohibition, and the federal Constitution. ij ■„In missionary lands also, Rome is on the alert. Ac­ cording to recent statistics, she has on various mission fields more than 150,000 official workers. Among them are 281 bishops, 91 vicars without Episcopal rank, 24,305 native priests, 28,938 European priests, and 226 medical doctors. They have in their schools 1,500,000 students. They conduct nearly 700 hospitals, with accommodations for about 300,000 patients. The Vatican is increasingly making use of native work­ ers, but it is Romanizing them by training in Rome under the immediate oversight of the Pope. While Italians are still in the majority in “The Sacred College of Cardinals,” it is evidently the policy to internationalize the church as far as possible without yielding control. As a matter of fact, the Pope seems to be more and more concentrating power in his own hands. Catholic imperialism will see to it that centralized control is still maintained. It is evident that the new propaganda is something to be reckjoiied with and something to cause Protestants to think seriously. — o — Monthly Message to Parents and Teachers T-TELEN Howarth Lemmel, the new Editor of the J u n - -V ior K ing ’ s B usiness , desires the cooperation of par­ ents and teachers. Hereafter, she will address them per­ sonally in her columns. Her appeal is passed on to our readers in the hope that it will be given serious and earn­ est consideration. The sense of privilege as we enter this field is equalled only by the realization of responsibility. We ask you, with us, to inquire of God: ‘‘What wilt Thou have me to do for Thy lambs ?” The need for definite, aggressive, .large-scale action in the spiritual realm on behalf of the'youth of today is very great—even appal­ ling. There is worthy effort, but it is neither sufficient nor coordinated. There is concern, but it must be uni­ versal and consuming. Shall we not make the Lord Jesus the most attractive person in this age of striking personalities ? Shall we not present God’s Word as the Wonder Book that we know it to be? Nay, not “can” or “shall,” but must we not do this ? Will you consider these suggestions ? ■ Read the J unior K ing ’ s B usiness with your young people. Help them with the Questionnaire, and possibly, help yourself to new knowledge. Help the children to locate and learn the Memory Four. Interest yourself in their use of the folder in which they are to keep the Junior pages of thé magazine from month to month. Teach them the songs, and work out with them the suggestions given. All the material has been tried and found useful. Then ■—let us hear from you, Constructive criticism is price­ less*/!:-Some one has pointed out that it takes only four volts , of electricity to ring a door bell, but it requires from 260 to 280 volts to light a lamp. Similarly, it takes . only a little power to make a noise, but it requires much power to shine steadily and brightly for Christ. Je­ sus said that we are lights in the world and we must shine, “beginning at Jerusalem”A-the hardest place. Is not home often the hardest place in which to shine for Him ? But we must : Keep the home light burning, By His power divine. He has chosen, that through you His love-light may shine.


Z e n o b ia B ird ’s n ew a d v e n tu re sto ry , “ Eyes in th e D a rk ,” w ill b e g iven as a p rem ium with new subscriptions only. T h is b o o k , b y th e au th o r of “U n d e r W h o se W ing s,” is a lre a d y hav ing a w id e sale. It is in ten se ly in te re stin g an d sou n d to th e co re. T h e fo llow ing re d u c e d ra te is o ffered to n ew sub sc rib e rs o n ly :

Sub scrip tion to The King’s Business (U . S .) $ 1 .5 0 “Eyes in th e D a rk ” 1.50 V a lu e $ 3 .0 0

The two for $ 2.50

W ith C a n a d ia n a n d fo re ign sub scrip tion s, 25 c en ts shou ld b e a d d e d fo r po stag e . T h e m ag a z in e a n d th e b o o k m a y b e sen t to d iffe ren t ad d re sse s.

THE KING’S BUSINESS 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

The trusting soul in trial sings; “Radiant in the thick o f things." Keep the home light burning.

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