Cigna Vision Summary Plan Description

(b) a former Employee's Dependent, or a former Dependent Spouse, who is eligible for Medicare and whose insurance is continued for any reason as provided in this plan; (c) an Employee whose Employer and each other Employer participating in the Employer's plan have fewer than 100 Employees and that Employee is eligible for Medicare due to disability; (d) the Dependent of an Employee whose Employer and each other Employer participating in the Employer's plan have fewer than 100 Employees and that Dependent is eligible for Medicare due to disability; (e) an Employee or a Dependent of an Employee of an Employer who has fewer than 20 Employees, if that person is eligible for Medicare due to age; (f) an Employee, retired Employee, Employee's Dependent or retired Employee's Dependent who is eligible for Medicare due to End Stage Renal Disease after that person has been eligible for Medicare for 30 months; Cigna will assume the amount payable under:  Part A of Medicare for a person who is eligible for that Part without premium payment, but has not applied, to be the amount he would receive if he had applied.  Part B of Medicare for a person who is entitled to be enrolled in that Part, but is not, to be the amount he would receive if he were enrolled.  Part B of Medicare for a person who has entered into a private contract with a provider, to be the amount he would receive in the absence of such private contract. A person is considered eligible for Medicare on the earliest date any coverage under Medicare could become effective for him. This reduction will not apply to any Employee and his Dependent or any former Employee and his Dependent unless he is listed under (a) through (f) above.

lawsuits under ERISA. Any attempt to assign such rights shall be void and unenforceable under all circumstances. You may, however, authorize Cigna to pay any healthcare benefits under this policy to a provider. When you authorize the payment of your healthcare benefits to a provider, you authorize the payment of the entire amount of the benefits due on that claim. If a provider is overpaid because of accepting duplicate payments from you and Cigna, it is the provider’s responsibility to reimburse the overpayment to you. Cigna may pay all healthcare benefits for Covered Expenses directly to a provider without your authorization. You may not interpret or rely upon this discrete authorization or permission to pay any healthcare benefits to a provider as the authority to assign any other rights under this policy to any party, including, but not limited to, a provider of healthcare services/items. Even if the payment of healthcare benefits to a provider has been authorized by you, Cigna may, at its option, make payment of benefits to you. When benefits are paid to you or your Dependent, you or your Dependents are responsible for reimbursing the provider. If any person to whom benefits are payable is a minor or, in the opinion of Cigna is not able to give a valid receipt for any payment due him, such payment will be made to his legal guardian. If no request for payment has been made by his legal guardian, Cigna may, at its option, make payment to the person or institution appearing to have assumed his custody and support. When one of our participants passes away, Cigna may receive notice that an executor of the estate has been established. The executor has the same rights as our insured and benefit payments for unassigned claims should be made payable to the executor. Payment as described above will release Cigna from all liability to the extent of any payment made. Recovery of Overpayment When an overpayment has been made by Cigna, Cigna will have the right at any time to: recover that overpayment from the person to whom or on whose behalf it was made; or offset the amount of that overpayment from a future claim payment. In addition, your acceptance of benefits under this plan and/or assignment of Medical Benefits separately creates an equitable lien by agreement pursuant to which Cigna may seek recovery of any overpayment. You agree that Cigna, in seeking recovery of any overpayment as a contractual right or as an equitable lien by agreement, may pursue the general assets of the person or entity to whom or on whose behalf the overpayment was made.




Payment of Benefits Assignment and Payment of Benefits

You may not assign to any party, including, but not limited to, a provider of healthcare services/items, your right to benefits under this plan, nor may you assign any administrative, statutory, or legal rights or causes of action you may have under ERISA, including, but not limited to, any right to make a claim for plan benefits, to request plan or other documents, to file appeals of denied claims or grievances, or to file




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