
Concert printanier

Le concert printanier de la chorale Centennial Choir de Cornwall, We Rise Again , prendra place en l’église St. John’s Presbyterian, le 1 er mai prochain, dès 20h. La chorale d’enfants Le Chœur des Anges de la paroisse St-Félix-de-Valois et la choraleThe Village Voyces seront aussi présents. Cette dernière présentera une musique contemporaine et polyphonique de madrigaux. Criminal harassment charges for local man

Cornwall schools grading released by Fraser report It seems nothing has changed much in Cornwall, when it comes to high schools. The Fraser Institute’s annual report on secondary schools across Canada was released on April 19. The institution prepares an evaluation report each year on how well schools perform at educating students. Among Cornwall English schools, Cornwall Public received 4.6, nearly a whole point more than its previous score, 3.9. Holy Trinity, which scored the highest in the region, received a 7.4. St. Joseph received 6.7, a far cry from their previous grade of 7.3. The St. Lawrence school received 5.4 compared to 3.8 last year. Local English high schools managed to obtain nearly similar results as their French counterparts. L’Héritage and La Citadelle both received 7.4 and 6.2 respectively. Anyone interested in viewing the report can do so at – Francis Racine

A 38-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on April 22 and charged with criminal harassment. It is alleged that during the month of April 2015, the man communicated with his 34-year-old ex-com- mon law wife despite having been warned by police not to. On April 22, the man attended police headquarters to deal with the matter. He was taken into custody and charged accordingly.




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