Cover crops booklet

New Bartholomews Mixes From our successful trials of 2020 and 2021, we have put together some new mixes to add to the existing selection we offer.

Bartholomews Foundation mix • Vetch, Buckwheat, Phacelia

Bartholomews Enhanced mix • Vetch, Buckwheat, Phacelia & Oats Using the base of the foundation mix, our enhanced mix, offers a larger range of species with different rooting depths covering all bases. No brassica in this mix, suiting rotations with other brassicas in. Sow at 30kg/ha.

Our basic mix, which will provide above ground biomass, nitrogen fixation and nutrient scavenging. No cereals and no brassica in this mix, offering an easy entry into the following spring crop. Suitable for mixing in with own cereals. Sow at 15kg/ha.

Standard Mixes

Grabber • Rye, Vetch

Soil Improver • Oats, Mustard, Oil Radish, Phacelia A slightly simpler version of the Green Reward. Soil Improver ’ s root structure covers different levels of the soil profile. Soil Improver is ideal to follow a cereal crop and helps retain moisture for the following crop. Quick to establish, its root structure covers different levels of the soil profile, and it is proven to up organic matter content. Sow at 40-50kg/ha.

This mix provides over winter cover that can be grazed, whilst helping to scavenge and fix nitrogen and reducing weed pressure. Winter vetch has a prolonged growing season and fixes Nitrogen at lower temperatures than other legumes. The rye develops a strong root structure to scavenge Nitrogen from the previous crop. Sow at 35-50kg/ha.


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