Cover crops booklet

Nutrient uptake Looking at the data from our 2020 trial, over a three month period, we can see how the nutrient uptake has varied between species and treatment. Broken down into Major or Minor nutrients and Carbon uptake.

The Nitrogen in the plant has increased, over the first two months and then dropped back down by the third month.

The Winter Vetch ( nacre ) has also seen a decrease in Nitrogen, which could be accounted for by the lack of active growth from the cold soils, not utilizing the root nodulation.

Whilst staying the most consistent in Nitrogen uptake, the Soil Improver mix saw a drastic drop in overall major nutrient uptake by January. This is also seen in the Sprinter mix.

Kora Buckwheat has seen the best increase as a single species from the first two months, followed by a drop in uptake which is most likely due to the plant beginning to senesce from the frosts. The radish Discovery is the species that has seen, even though it is marginal, an increase in nutrient uptake in January. The Romesa radish, similarly, has not seen as much as a decrease as other species or mixes in this month.


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