Investing for Impact Resource Guide


These Agency & Experts Panels serve as invaluable platforms for collaboration, bringing together a diverse array of specialists from federal agencies to deliberate on the profound impact their programs have on community investment. Through open dialogue and shared insights, these panels facilitate a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between federal initiatives and local development. By examining the ways in which these programs intersect with community needs, panel members can identify opportunities to optimize resource allocation and enhance access to vital funding streams. Furthermore, these discussions empower local communities by equipping them with knowledge and strategies to navigate bureaucratic processes effectively.


Helen Chin is the President of Communities First, housed at Race Forward and Amalgamated Foundation where she serves as a Senior Fellow. Under Chin’s leadership, Communities First is transforming how federal, state, and local governments invest public dollars in low-wealth and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities through a community-centric, relationships-first strategy. She has served on the board of the Environmental Grantmakers Association and currently is on the Advisory Committee for the Amplify Fund and Freedom Funders. Chin holds a Master's in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University and a bachelor's in Political Science and Marketing from Pace University. With 13 years in the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors, Melanie Allen has considerable experience facilitating community-based solutions that ensure those most affected by policy are centered in the decision-making process. She also has a strong background in community development projects in many sectors, including conservation, affordable housing, and workforce development. She is co- chair of Grantmakers for Southern Progress and currently serves on the board of the Environmental Grantmakers Association. She holds a bachelor’s degree in History and African American Studies from Columbia University.

Helen Chin Communities First Fund

Melanie Allen The Hive Fund

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