Investing for Impact Resource Guide


Spearheading the South’s Justice40 Initiative STAND-UP’s long affiliation with organized labor, outstanding workforce development credentials, and deep community roots, combined with expansive state-wide and regional networks, have positioned the organization to be a leader in implementing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Justice40 economic development initiatives across the South. Leveraging the convening, conference, and training capacities of its Movement Center headquarters facility, STAND-UP is bringing together community leaders, local, state, and federal officials, faith organizations, business interests, and technology innovators to ensure that benefits from the nation’s $1.2 trillion investment in climate resilient infrastructure has a transformative impact on historically excluded populations. Created by presidential executive order, Justice40 mandates that 40% of the benefits from IRA go to minority and other communities that have failed to benefit from previous federal infrastructure spending or may even have been harmed by it. STAND-UP is committed to ensuring that investments in new energy and transportation infrastructure, zero carbon technologies, climate resilient housing, environmental protections and remediation, and other products of this massive public expenditure are equitably distributed, creating opportunities that uplift the lives of minorities and other marginalized communities.








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