Investing for Impact Resource Guide

Rural Housing Service | Community Facilities (continued) Program Overview Applicant Population

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Facilitates housing, community facilities, and community and economic development projects. Grant funds can cover training sub-grantees to conduct homeownership or minority business entrepreneur education, providing technical assistance to sub-grantees on strategic plan development, researching and identifying alternative funding sources, preparing boards of directors, and creating training tools such as videos, workbooks or reference guides. Funds capital improvements to educational facilities and for cultural projects at 1994 Land Grant Institutions (Tribal Colleges). Funds can be used for infrastructure development or upgrades, along with equipment purchases for schools, libraries, and dormitories.

Government organizations, nonprofits, and certain private, for-profit organizations in rural areas

Rural areas with populations of 50,000 or fewer including any urbanized area neighboring it

Program Type: Grant Terms and Conditions: Grants range from $50,000 - $250,000, and there is a matching fund requirement equal to the amount of the grant award. Website:

Rural Community Development Initiative Grants

Tribal Colleges listed in Section 7402 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 (Available at this link: https:// - PDF)

Program Type: Grant Terms and Conditions: Grants of up to $250,000. A minimum five percent match is required. Partnerships with other federal, state, local, private, and nonprofit organizations are encouraged. Website:


Tribal College Initiative Grants

Rural Utilities Service | Electric

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Assists the Denali Commission to lower energy costs for people who live in areas with exceptionally high, per-household energy bills – at least 275 percent higher than the national average. Grants can be used to finance

For-profit organizations, nonprofits, sole

Program Type: Grant Denali Commission Website:


proprietors, government organizations, and federally recognized Tribes


Denali Commission High Energy Cost Grants

energy generation, transmission, and distribution.

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