Investing for Impact Resource Guide

Rural Business-Cooperative Service (continued)

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Helps independent agricultural producers begin processing and marketing activities that add value to their products. Grant and matching funds can be used for planning activities, or working capital expenses related to producing and marketing a value-added agricultural product. Examples include conducting feasibility studies, developing business plans, offsetting processing costs, handling marketing, advertising expenses, and paying certain inventory and salary expenses.

Independent producers, farmer and rancher cooperatives, producer groups, and majority- controlled, producer- based

Program Type: Grant Terms and Conditions:


Maximum planning grant is $75,000; maximum working capital grant is $250,000 Website:

Value-Added Producer Grants

business ventures

Rural Business-Cooperative Service | Energy

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Helps develop, build, or retrofit facilities to support new and emerging technologies, and produce advanced biofuels, renewable chemicals, and biobased products Increases production of advanced biofuels through quarterly payments to eligible producers. This program helps increase American energy independence and the private-sector supply of renewable energy.

Advanced biofuels producers and sellers, including, individuals, corporations, companies, foundations, associations, governments, and schools Individuals, federally recognized Tribes, government organizations, cooperatives, associations of agricultural producers, national higher education, rural electric co- ops, public power organizations, and credit unions laboratories, institutions of

Program Type: Payments Terms and Conditions: Payment amount depends on the number of eligible producers, the amount of advanced biofuel produced, and the amount of funds available Website: Program Type: Loan guarantee Terms and Conditions: Maximum loan guarantee is $250 million. Rates and terms are negotiated between the lender and the borrower. The borrower must make a significant cash equity contribution investment. Website:


Advanced Biofuel Payment Program


Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical, and Biobased Product Manufacturing Assistance Program

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